Ukulele in Charleston
I am an audio engineer. I record, mix, and master music. I also play bass, bari and tenor sax, ukulele, and keyboards.
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All Audio Recording is a full-service recording, mixing, editing and mastering facility.
I try do it as good as I know. Firstly, always listen the music before recording. Music must be listened, it's an emocional energy. From there, we can work. Trust your ears: if it sounds good, that's fine. No rules. If you have to use +17 dB to get the sound you want, go ahead. The important thing is how it sounds, not what you did to achieve it. "
Revl Tvlk is an established Artist whose worked with Indie producers all the way up to big names such as 1500 or Nothin & Jon Bellion. His single " Mamba " was featured in ABC's For Life Directed by 50 Cent. Having worked alongside some of these heavyweights has allowed him great expertise that he would love to share with you and your project.
Recording fine strings since 2009.
Recording & Sound Technician with 7 years of experience in music production, sound design & audio post production.
May the years lie gently on your shoulders, laughter fill your heart and a smile be on your face.
I am a professional Mixing and Mastering Engineer. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Music, Sound and Technology and multiple years of freelance engineering experience.
Let’s collaborate and make your next project unforgettable.
Recent Successes
"Rachel is AMAZING!Her voice is unbelievable! She really took the track to another level. Recommend big time! "
"Another stunning job! Always a big pleasure working with Jimmy, a very good person and professional."
"The quality of the vocal mix is very high quality! "
"Another winning performance from Holly! As a repeat producer and recorder using Holly as the singer (solo and harmonies), I've made many comments about her abilities already, but I can say so much more...Super versati..."
"Arlis has been great to work with, his passion truly shows in his work! He has helped me on multiple projects and each time he has been amazing to work with! We will be doing more soon! "
"Have you ever had the feeling that after working with someone for a while, that "magic" just kicks in naturally and effortlessly? My experience with Giuliano is like that and it -- and his work -- has been such a gift..."
"Darrell is a very experienced mixer. Even though working remotely isn't easy, it works well for Darrell. Darrell reads and interprets all comments perfectly and is very attentive and patient."