Ukulele in Bologna
Professional session guitarist, contact me for recording or arranging guitar tracks. Acoustic or electric guitars, lap steel, mandolin, ukulele. I have a great collection of instruments, amp's, pedals, and digital systems.
If you need guitars in your tracks I can use a wide range of instruments and my 30 years of experience to record the best takes for your projects.
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Electronic Dance Music producer from India. BPM Range: 130-140
I am an LA based producer, guitarist, and songwriter that writes and tracks music for people, regardless of what they need. Pop, rock, hip hop, etc.,
Sound design, mixing and mastering has been a part of my life since I began in this industry 1998. Over the years, The way we listen to music has changed rapidly and most music is listened to in headphones. I adapted to this and I master 90% in custom IEMs = 100% sound accuracy. Im taking a lot of influence from my days as a Live Music FOH/MON tech
I've had the pleasure of working with legendary MC Masta Ace, Spillage Village member Benji, and long time collaborator Kastaway of Chicago. My production has been heard on a variety of media outlets including ESPN, Vocalo (Chicago), KSJS (Bay Area), and Soulection Radio. I specialize in making Hip Hop, R&B, Rap, Soul and Funk instrumentals.
Pop / R&B / Experimental Producer + LGBT friendly and open to hear your ideas.
Music producer out of South Carolina.
Recent Successes
"I had heard some of Brittany Songs in the past and loved her writing style she does very well in the Edm and Pop arenas,I needed a pop song written too, lyric sheet and Brittany Delivered!Very easy to work with and wi..."
"Tempo did it again! He is so passionately in his work, it blows my mind every time I get vocals from him. This track turned out so good I wouldn't believe it myself in the beginning. Already looking forward to the ne..."
"Roy is very professional and made my cover song sound amazing! I was surprised of how fast he got it done too! I definitely will work with him again !"
"Richard is an INCREDIBLE artist! He brought life and energy to my project with his outstanding vocal performance. He has a natural gift for interpreting a song. Richard is PROFESSIONAL, INTUITIVE, and TALENTED! Defini..."
"Sara (per usual) delivered an emotionally intelligent performance where she once again demonstrated her skill to breathe life into a song as the main element of the musical track. I also want to compliment Sara's t..."
"There is no one like Brandon! Absolutely love working with him! Thanks - looking forward to the next one!"
"Gen has such a cool voice that's totally pro, unique and memorable! She was also really fast to respond and provided high quality stems. I'm so happy that I had the opportunity to work with her! "
"Lucas is the real deal!! Made my song exactly how I imagined it. Great job. "