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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TWRP
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I'm an Mixing, Mastering and Recordingengineer with many Years of Experience with Hip Hop, Rap, R'n'B, Pop, Rock and Electronical Music. It is of great importance to me to get the best out of your music and my work is done when my client is 100% satisfied.
Music has all the colors in the world.
FABER fuses soulful vocals with rocky acidity, nodding to the sounds of Beyoncé and Nova Twins. Some of the names i've worked with include, Little Mix, Diana Ross, Girli, Waze, Maur, and July Jones. I've got a massive belt & I can sure give it some in a live setting.
I am the lyricist and main vocalist for The Last Navigator, I have been writing songs for the past 5 years, I like to experiment with different genres but specialize in indie / rock songwriting. I have collaborated with multiple local South African bands in song writing and supporting play.
Hello, my name is Toon (34). I have been producing music for the last 15 years. I can help out with music production, mixing, mastering and live performance. My productions were used for video games, commercials, television and I produced music for singer-songwriters, rappers and other projects.
I like music and I would like to profit from that. I already made about 500 beats and did also some songs for my friends. I like to playing with sound so I would like to experiment if you like.
ευκαμπτη βρυση
Soy un productor colombiano de música electrónica de 23 años. Estuve haciendo música desde que tenía 16 años y lanze dos álbumes y varios sencillos. Me inspira una amplia gama de géneros, incluidos el techno, el house y el ambient. Me apasiona crear música que sea tanto bailable como estimulante. Pitalito (H) Col.
Recent Successes
"Lauren delivered the vocal tracks I had hoped for. Excellent to work with! I would work with her again without question."
"Adryelle did an outstanding job providing lyrics and vocals for electronic music project. Very easy to work with and her unique approach is a surefire way to bring your song to the next level. Highly Recommend!"
"A1. Second time working with Tyree. He got me the mix/master back early. I had some particular changes I needed to be made and he worked with me up until 1 AM consistently sending me multiple versions back and forth u..."
"Yoed has played on about half of my upcoming album, and the depth he's added to my simple little songs fills me with so much joy. I'm excited for people to hear what we've been working on for the past year. If you're ..."
"Quick & and easy, great wiht the SAX"
"Working with Coqui was absolutely amazing. He delivered a super consistent a professional result with ultra fast turnaround. Thanks Coqui !! I will come back for more!"
"Super solid clean playing no hassle badass bassist here! Quick turnaround and reliable musicianship. "
"Working with Forsyth is a pleasure, communication is easy, we can really share ideas and the collaboration is fruitful. In the end, the vocal recordings are of very high-level quality!!! And most important, the voice ..."