Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tweezyy
A decent pricing professional home studio engineer that would take your sound to the next level.
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As a professional sound engineer/designer and musician, I am eager to enhance your creations with my skills and my artistic sensitivity.
Hello My name is Gregory James but I’m known as Lyricist, Song Writer “Cloak The Scribe”. My writing capabilities range from Hip-Hop/Rap to Edm. I’m also available to rap verses and sing choruses as well.
Multi genre vocalist and songwriter, specializing in sync songwriting. Top genres are pop, hip hop and EDM. Will listen to your needs and make sure to deliver the top product.
Svenson is an award-winning composer, producer, and also a noted author and worldwide performer. He’s recorded with such greats as Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson), Jerry Donahue (Hellecasters), and Rhani Krija (Sting). Svenson composed for diverse film-, TV- audiobook, and podcast productions.
A mix of smooth R&B, Indie, and Pop Vocals for your next big hit, indie late-night car ride tune, or a tear-jerker. Whether it's vocals, writing, or both, I am willing to put my best foot forward for each and every project that has my name on it. I am often compared to Billie Eilish, The 1975, Tame Impala, and Clairo.
Use my professional singing voice to finish your project! I can sing anything from R&B to Rock and Rap as well. I also offer female singing and rap too!
Classically-trained violinist with the ear and technique to achieve almost any sound and style. Can play by ear, chart, notated parts, or generate/improvise pads, licks, and solos. Deep voice (lowest note D2, even C2) suitable for adding warmth to harmonies, a capella, or spoken word.
We are more than engineers; we're artists committed to transforming your music into polished, industry-standard masterpieces. Trusted by industry giants such as Epic Records, Capitol Records, Sony Music, Atlantic Records, Universal Music Group, and Warner Music Group and streaming platforms including HBO Max, Netflix, Starz, and Amazon.
Recent Successes
"Very reliable, understood what I wanted and provided a really great rap song. "
"Great Job on the Mastering. Couldn't be happier with the result."
"Once in a great while, paths cross with someone who has a meaningful impact on your art and life. Justin Cross has done just that. He is a musical talent extraordinaire, able to play multiple instruments effortles..."
"Very fast, very efficient. Total satisfaction. Thank you! "
"Andres was very professional and efficient as always!"
"Reggie is super easy to work with and a killer hard rock bassist, he also got his buddy involved to track drums on a track for me and I'm blown away by the greatness that these guys are bringing, they nailed it! Sound..."
"Man talk about skillz, fun to work with, 6th sense when it comes to engineering and overall vision. Literally sent 1st bounce with almost nothing to be revised. Makes the music come alive will be back for sure. "
"First time working with Chad, will be back for the foreseeable future with plenty of work due to the great results "
"Loved working with Adam, really fantastic results here. Would use Mount Olympia again for future projects."
"Really nice tone with Musina. I appreciated his input and assistance on Sax on my piece! "
"She was really friendly and nice to work with! We finished our song lyric creation in 2 hours, she helped create the melody and blend in together. I even asked for a beat/pop ver and a guitar ver and she gave me both...."
"MARKISS brought my deep house track to the next level with his professional production skills, elevating it to a professional sound standard that I could not have achieved by myself. Would definitely want to work with..."