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Tuba in Tonbridge
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Prototape Mastering uses modern tools and genre-spanning experience, to help you take your music to the next level. "I always stride to create a sound that stands out in a crowd, and conveys the artists vision" Magnus Nordbye
Original scores for soundtracks, trailers or ads; songs in the genre of easy listening, soft pop, or soundtrack; lyrics in any genre. Also open to writing for musical theatre.
3x Grammy and MPG winning mixer, engineer and producer. Worked extensively with Labrinth, and credits on Mick Jagger, Beck, Hozier, Beverley Knight, Wild Beasts
I was previously a west end performer and a trained session vocalist. Upon leaving the West End, I found myself also producing for myself and other musical artists. My approach is finding an artist's true sound. I find there's a lot of music formulas happening within western music which is why music is starting to sound
Want to get together with your team and work out that part now? --without travel? Now there is a way! We provide consulting, technical support and hosting of low-latency audio environments for collaboration, rehearsal, and performance.
Hi there, if you need to take a big leap in your music and make your projects go from demo to a professional sound, I offer you my post-production and mixing service along my advice at all time.
Get the sound every A&R is looking for.
Hey, i am Hussein Eltarras and i am a freelance music producer. I will work with you to make your next big song come to life. i have had some clients to pay me for a commissionned piece to be written for musicals, Vocal backing tracks, and more. contact me for any info you need.
Recent Successes
"Alex was super professional and made sure he got request just right, I am looking forward to working with him again very soon!"
"Awesome music professional! Will take your mix to the next level, highly recommended!"
"Stevan was super accommodating and patient guiding me through the process never having done it before and needing a hip hop style backing track building up from scratch... He was tireless in his energy and kept goi..."
"Jay is extremely fast and patient with his work. He carefully reads all my notes and would work his best until we get the desired results. Thank you so much Jay for the great work! I really enjoyed working with you!"
"brad is a very openminded and talented person! i love what he delivered!"
"one of the best I've work with without physically being in studio "
"Phoebe Danskin is one of my all time favorite producers. She's extremely talented, efficient, communicative, hardworking, creative, and an absolute joy to work with. We've done several songs together now and she excee..."
"exceptional. brilliant. professional. to the point.fantastic voice. elevates all songs to a level straight into the sphere and beyond. come back for more collabs, much more."
"First time working with Matt and the process was extremely smooth. Great communication and we love the results!"
"Another terrific collaboration with Julien. A+++"