Tuba in Rochester
Versatile and melodic bass, brass, and beyond. From the stage with Postmodern Jukebox, to the studio with A.C. Newman and Jonathan Scales, to jamming in West Africa and beyond, to recording and mixing anything from singer-songwriters to full big bands, I bring pro chops and impeccable taste to your tracks. All styles, always soulful.
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I provide a quality sound for an affordable price, and I am willing to work with budgets. Shoot me a message and let’s get to work!
Award nominated music producer from Denmark. Worked with Haddaway, D-A-D, Kris Kiss, Sarah Lake, Kongsted, Faustix, Tim White, Jeremy Carr, Lachi, GC (Gate Citizens) ect. EDM/POP/REGGAETON/HIPHOP and more!
We're a producer and songwriter duo working across genres.
I've made records with Just Mustard, NewDad, Hunkpapa and many others, with tracks airing on BBC Radio 1, KEXP and getting play-listed on the BBC Radio 6 A-List as well as many of the top Spotify playlists. I've made albums that have been nominated for the Choice Music Prize and seen positive reviews from NME, Clash, DIY, The Quietus and more.
Hey Iam Benji , iam a bit of an Introvert bt what makes me open up is MUSIC and yes, iam a Musician, i Play the Bass guitar and i Love MIXING.
Are you looking for a seasoned mixing and mastering engineer to take your music to the next level? Look no further!
Recognized as one of Toronto's finest, I've collaborated with renowned artists such as Drake, Tory Lanez, Young Thug, Gunna, Vory, Chief Keef, and more. My recent achievement includes a gold plaque for my contribution to 'Over the Top' by Smiley featuring Drake.
20 million streams accross platforms, 15+ years of experience in EDM and POP music.
Recent Successes
"I can't believe she isn't a superstar, making millions.....she does get to be one of SoundBetter's superstars though...and mine. Quality product and professional all of the time. "
"He is great as a artist and also helping music production. Top skills for dance music!"
"Draco is my go to engineer for all of my songs, he never fails to provide me with a quality finished product that I’m satisfied with. I tell him my vision and he brings it to life, if you don’t work with him, you’re m..."
"Very easy to work with, exceptional quality mixing with great attention to detail, great ear and almost clairvoyant as far as the sound that's expected. Highly recommend. "
"Jason is a great producer, patient and attentive. It was a pleasure to work with him..."
"I really enjoyed working with Winston, he knows his stuff! He is a talented producer that helped created a great mix that I am very happy with. Winston is friendly, supported me throughout the whole process, provided ..."
"Alex was very patient, he took all my remarks and details into consideration and worked with me each step at a time. He is very nice and i love the voice mix he does with the music of course! Thank you Alex for your a..."