Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with TSOL
With 40 years of experience and 100's of millions of Streams and Multi Platinum Sales, you can gain my services for your next project here at SoundBetter.
My name is Mark Nathanson and I am a Southern California Producer, Audio Engineer and Live Events Specialist.
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Hello, I'm Vasily Matsola. I am a producer, beatmaker and mixing & mastering engineer. I am an artist in the genre of electronic, classical music and create music for various artists. I work on a variety of genres - hip-hop, pop, R&B, rock, electronica, classical, alternative, ambient.
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Recent Successes
"Amazing Vocalist,Composer Professional and artist!"
"Emilio is a master at taking a song from concept and demo to complete. This is only possible because of his talent, creativity, mastery of his instrument and his incredibly high degree of proficiency. And the speed a..."
"Wow I cannot express how grateful I am to have J-Marin produce this pop record for an artist that I manage. J-Marin not only had a extremely quick turnaround, but delivered a quality product at a high industry level...."
"We have had nothing but excellent experiences with Vlad. He is quick, efficient and extremely easy to work with. If you find yourself considering Vlad, do hesitate, he works fast and will leave your jaw on the floor...."
"So I have just completed another song with Jakey, a very talented singer and a great guy to work with. Just like before I have accepted his work right from his 1st demo, that's how great he is. He follows all instruct..."
"He knows instinctually what a song needs. He’s also a very versatile violinist, composer, producer with great musicality and professionalism. Thank you Nathaniel!"