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Reggaeton Trumpet who worked with #reggaeton
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Hi there! I am an "online" sound engineer with own mixing studio and hardware/analog signal processing. Producing pop, classic rock, old-sound, hip-hop, folk and classics. Mastering in separate rooms, pure analog signal chain. Just let me know, 1st song is for free :)
Freelance sound engineering for events in Beijing and throughout China.
Turn Your Song into a full production. Let's take your song idea and turn it into a recorded work of art.
I create music that is not just heard, but experienced. I have been playing guitar for 24 years, singing for 10 years, and writing music for over a decade. I love creating music that comes from a real place of human experience, so if you're looking to make something authentic and unique I'd love to help you on your way.
Expect vibrant trumpet playing, harmonies, beautiful flugel lines. Very experienced player - West End shows (Cats, Starlight Express, Jolson, Oliver); tours (Marti Webb, Jane McDonald); multiple recordings; genres from classical to jazz, via funk, Latin, soca, African, pop ...
I have a degree in Recording and Mixing Engineering and over 10 years of experience in making and producing records. Mixing is one of the biggest pleasures I have in my life. I love giving a song the last final touches so it becomes something that will give goose bumps to everybody who is going to listen.
Certified Audio Engineer
I've been recording and mixing for the past 15 years and have grown a strong passion for mixing heavy music.
Recent Successes
"Great producer very professional work and on time when he says! Created the perfect beat that he did in one shot this is no lie that is why I'm giving him a 5 star rating. I'm am definitely going to continue working ..."
"From start to finish Rory has been brilliant in both communication and providing amazing results with my track. Really great to work with. 100% recommend to use if you're looking for the perfect mix for your tracks..."
"Corey literally does magic with any song you throw at him, no matter the genre! The best of the best, in my opinion."
"John is a real pleasure to work with. He's a great communicant and is making smart & relevant comments. Great outcome & very fast delivery time. I recommend John 100% "
"Asweome singer, interesting melodies and harmonies Fast delivery. Great service"
"5 stars. Every. Single. Time. Paul is just the best - you should use him :)"
"J. gave a great performance and was happy to add some alt lines and ad libs. He's very easy to work with and a nice guy too!"
"Matt always does an incredible job and it's a pleasure to work with him. He makes our vision for our song a reality. Don't ever want to work with anyone else!! :) "