Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Triple C
Deep, clear and emotional EDM productions.
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YME Production is a Worldwide central leading company and marketing solutions to all Organisation, Artist, with a diverse portfolio of digital, media production.
Hey, my name is Sarah Abad, I’m a 16 year old singer and songwriter.I have been working with manyDj’s all around the world. I write any style,I'm very original with words,until I don’t find the perfect one I never get to the next one.I am really fast when I write, always making sure every word sounds right.I'd be happy to help. And you'll also be.
My name is Baptiste, I have been producing music for 10 years from my homestudio in Paris. Also, I'm mixing and mastering some songs with my experience since I began in the musical universe.
Club & Radio ready mixes, good communication, focused on customer needs, easy-going approach and guaranteed results.
I've created songs for indie artist that have amassed over a million streams altogether. I love making music in the likes of Lizzie Calpine, Phoebe Bridgers, and Coin. I specialize in indie folk, indie rock, and indie pop music. Let me turn your idea, memo, or demo into a fully formed, professional sounding indie track! :)
Fresh-sounding latin music producer that will make you sound finesse and expensive.
Hi, I'm Noah. I produce music in a variety of genres...
Recent Successes
"Felix is an amazing producer. Glad we got to work together again! "
"I have a very simple song but it's become shining after Thomas's work ! Looking forward to the next !"
"Working with Marcus is now one of my go to writers and I’d highly recommend any pro creative to work with him. He’s pen game is fire 🔥 and he very good at understanding your vision on a project. Marcus is a super d..."
"This was the second song we produced with Ovi. He connects well with musicians and creates a positive working environment. Ovi is smart, versatile and working fast. He has a creative, modern, commercial style. Highly..."
"Luigi is an amazing musician. There are other nice guitarist here too. The thing about Luigi and what makes him unique is that he approaches each song like a producer since he has the knowledge to do so. And this mak..."
"Mr Marcus is an excellent man and a professional drummer as well. Im so lucky to get a chance to have him played in my song. God bless you Mr Marcus."
"Very affordable and solid mastering choice with Davis, with quick turnaround. He brought a good amount of power and heavy-ness to my master."