Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trevor Michael
Are you looking to sculpt your sound? Solipsis Studios is where the artist's vision is paramount. I'm always striving for a balance between sonic perfection and complete emotional expression. I've engineered and mixed a wide variety of genres ranging from acoustic, hip-hop, to my normal clientele of rock and metal acts.
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Hi! I am a passionate music creator and an expert in mixing, performing, and recording.
I am a vocalist-songwriter, producer, engineer. I've was a recording artist signed to RCA Records and I've worked with platinum selling artist Jason Derulo and top producers such as Pop & Oak, Jonas Jeberg!
Hey! I'm Mohanam and I'm a professional Composer/Producer/Singer and Songwriter. I have excellent tuning, wide range, imagination for toplines and harmonies. experience of professional live/studio.
"Here to change the world through pop Music"
Songwriter and Music Producer Specializing in Country Pop!
Thorntree and Walker publishes authentic, emotive and engaging sound – bringing alive those melodies which reside within each one of us and the moments which make a difference in life.
Artist/Writer Out of the west coast looking for any type of opportunities or work available so if you need a verse, a jingle, a hook, a writer, a performer, Etc. Send me a message.
Multidimensional musician and creative in diverse musical areas. I'm a composer, arranger, piano and keyboards player, producer and professor in different music universities.
Recent Successes
"Julian was an absolute joy and super pro. Passionate, seasoned, punctual and his credits are insane. I've worked with mastering engineers before who just throw the work over the fence without any soul. Julian is th..."
"Dave was the ideal engineer to work with. He totally elevated the track & made it sound better than I was expecting. He took the time to do more than just get solid levels. He was very communicative & completed the..."
"Professional, quality work and service!"
"Beautiful Voice and very special voice. It was amazing working with Ari. I would wish to work again with Ari."
"Loved working with Fred! Amazing to work with and hope to again soon! 10/10! Brilliant. James"
"Mandy was amazing! Talented, professional, timely. Trifecta!"
"pelly went above and beyond in providing the feedback I needed for my track. Thanks pelly!!"
"His suggestion regarding mixing even before his work of mastering was definitely worth it. Of course, his mastering was also a satisfactory. Usually, I’m more on the picky side when it comes to mastering so it really..."
"Jay is magical. I have the impression we’ve been in a room rehearsing together. Plenty of good vibes making the song more encyclopedic. True spirit. "
"Juan is a talented and enthusiastic creator here and I recommend him highly for your demo work. "
"Always a pleasure to work with. Really cares about the direction you want to take your song in. I would highly recommend. "