Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Trenchlung
Transforming sounds into sonic masterpieces! 🎶 As an experienced audio engineer specializing in mixing and mastering, I bring your music to life with precision and passion. let's elevate your tracks to professional perfection because great music deserves nothing less.
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I've performed and recorded with many signed artists and worked directly with some of the top producers while living in Nashville for the past 23 years.
1rst place winner of the ''Odyssée Musicale du Jeu Vidéo'' orchestral composition contest. (Quebec's Indie Video Game Developpers Guild)
There isn’t one song I've that dosen’t sound amazing! You don’t have to be a super polised artist, but I could make you sound as good or even better than your favorite artist.
youtube - Cici Xo- topic Instagram - Cici27xo
I am a talented Musician, DJ, Producer and Remixer who will listen and work to your needs. My work speaks for itself, and I look forward to working with you soon :)
I work as hard as I can to find your individual sound style and make your music complete.
Live Broadcast Audio and Video for TV and Radio, Recording, Live Webcasts, Audiovisual Systems Design, Production, Publishing
If you're looking for captivating vocals for your project, I'm here to exceed your expectations.
Recent Successes
"Talented, efficient and professional!! Thanks again Luke !"
"When it comes to find someone that is "THE" man in terms of house music mastering, Paul is definitely the one that everybody should give a try. Outstanding job, quick responsive, flawless quality. I'm absolutely sure ..."
"Awesome + helpful engineer who truly cares about the music - not to mention he is an outstanding guy"
"Great work. Fast and professional. We will definitely work with him more often. Top!"
"Krysta was superb! Job done spot on!!! Fast and professional delivery. I didnt need to do any revision. She captured the whole idea and did some magic on the project; I simply love it and will definitely do more proje..."
"kills every track and my go to for every guitar part I need! "
"Chase is professional, committed and doesn't hesitate to make several tests to satisfy the customer. It was a real pleasure to have been able to work with him. I recommend 100%"