Track minus top-line in Helsinki
Music producer/Songwriter. I would love to help you with your track, contact me for more details. I can also work if you are on a budged.
A Finnish Grammy nominated Producer, Songwriter and Mixing Engineer with platinum artist reaching Top 10 in over 20 countries. Credits include Kat Deluna, Sexy Zone, Black Mirror and Sesame Street along with major labels like Sony, Universal, Warner, SM Ent. With proven track record, what really drives me is creating something magical together.
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Singer, songwriter, music producer and audio engineer. Graduated from SAE instution 04/16 with a 3.5 Gpa.
Need a touch of professionalism in your project? Look no further.
Mixing and Mastering with state of the art equipment. Full service recording studio with many talents/artists. Rap/Hip hop is the 4tay. Versatility in writing, rapping, recording, mixing, mastering and beat making provides extra tools to go above and beyond for a top notch final product..
Classical, jazz, vocal and cinematic production by a classically trained producer and mixer. Mentored by Hans Zimmer, Radiohead, London Contemporary Orchestra and Amy Winehouse collaborators.
I'm currently accepting requests for ghost production and mixing & mastering. (Trap/EDM)
I'm a songwriter and sound producer of many metal styles - pop metal, modern metal, alternative metal, metalcore, gothic metal etc. I will create for your band a unique sound, compose backing samples, vocal lines with great hooks, and also clean your track from unnecessary garbage. You will receive a completely produced, mixed and mastered track.
Tingbo Samuel est un ingénieur du son Béninois discrètement devenu l'un des ingénieurs du son les plus talentueux du continent. S'étant spécialisé en mixage et mastering il se voit confier les projets de Daara J, Nix, Dip Doundou Guiss,Omzo Dollar, Samba Peuzzi, Nushca, David Républic, Dobet Gnahoré, Josey, Elow'n, Black K, Didi B, Kiff No Beat...
I can work in Songwriting, Producing, Mixing and Mastering! Specialized in Dance/EDM/Pop Music. I've been learning from several courses from the best producers, songwriters and mixing engineers of this industry like: Louis Bell, Luca Pretolesi, Ryan Tedder, and many others.
Recent Successes
"Chris was totally on her game - both business and talent wise. She returned messages promptly, took direction beautifully, was polite, respectful, and gave me exactly what I asked or within the time period requested...."
"Always a pleasure, always very honest."
"I knew Gary was a fantastic piano player. But I did not know that he can also play magically. He has responded to my wishes 100% and has improved them. Incredible"
"This is your man for drums and percussion. Excellent job."
"Krudtmejer is an EXTREMELY dedicated and talented professional! As the producer, musician, and mixing engineer for my song project, he went above and beyond my expectations. From building the musical foundation to mas..."
"Andrijana is simply amazing! She is a highly talented musician, well versed with notation / music formats / audio tech, quick to understand / respond / deliver files. On top of that, she is very friendly. I am a retur..."
"Emrah delivered another incredible sounding track! I love working with him"
"Xavi is wonderful. He provided many options that I could listen to and provide my feedback quickly to get to the end product. Thanks Xavi! "