Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tory Lanez (Mixing Engineer)
Trap and R&B Producer, Mix&Master Engineer with more than 5 years in the Music Business. Just high-quality produc-tions.
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Robin Van Loenen is an upcoming producer, mixing engineer and songwriter from The Netherlands. For more information visit www.robinvanloenen.com.
Resonance, Relaxing, Rhythm and Pacing
Hello! I’m London based pop vocalist / songwriter with backing vocal credits for artists such as Rudimental, Years & Years, John Newman and Cheryl.
Come to me, I'll will do the job at a low cost ^_^
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Professional Music Producer, Mixing and Mastering Engineer. Specializing in Hip Hop, Pop, Afrobeat, R&B and their sub-genres. Berklee College of Music graduate and multi-instrumentalist with over 8 years of experience in the field. Experience in beat-making, vocal tuning and editing, track production, arranging, mixing, mastering, remixing, etc.
Canciones personalizadas únicas y emotivas para cualquier ocasión. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en producción musical, ofrezco calidad de estudio y entrega rápida. Convierte tu historia en una canción especial. Contrata servicios de composición ahora.
Elevate your next recording with an award-nominated guitarist who's toured nationwide and brings unmatched skill and creativity to every track. Whether it's session work or live performances, get ready to take your sound to the next level. Book today for a fresh, professional touch!
Recent Successes
"Mr. Ho works very fast without compromising on quality. He delivered a great atmosphere in our mix. He is very service-minded and it's a pleasure working with him. We had a lot to do in our private life, but he was pa..."
"I must say I'm very pleased with the quality of work Hugo did with my track. His skills with the saxophone added a great vibe to my tropical house track. Also, Hugo is extremely punctual, and ofc a professional. "
"Daniel is the kindest and nicest engineer I've met. He is fast and efficient, and his mixes are really punchy and solid! Love it! "
"Nico did an amazing job as always! He took my track and added just what it needed, he works closely with you to get the best results and brings your track to the next level. "
"Lots of Mastering engineers -but I’m consistently coming back to jimmy because of a mutual respect. I’m bringing all my work to this Guy - trust the process !"
"Ethan has a GREAT voice, and is very good to work with. He is also versatile with a very wide range. He has sung on a rock track, and then has switched over to sing a gregorian styled chant type vocal. He nailed both...."
"I highly recommend working with Benny! He quickly turned around a perfect mix and master, while also being friendly, professional, and easy to communicate with. Would love to work with him again for future songs. ..."
"Hugo is a fantastic drummer who improves every one of my songs he plays on. Always my first choice. Hugo recently helped me work out a complex part that ended up being 9/4,9/4,7/4 time. A great person. Easy and pleasa..."