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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Toddy Smith
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Recording, Mixing & Mastering Engineer, Certified by AVID as User of Pro Tools v11
I'm an experienced beatmaker/ Music producer./ Audio Engineer. Lets work together and create something monumental.
I've been in Anglican Choral singing since the age of 7 on and have been singing since the age of 5. the majority of my work has been done at scholarship level but I have had some limited access to a performing career. I have sung some professional opera an oratorio on a limited basis in Germany. I also HfM Cologne and GSMD London for some time
Looking for unique, emotive vocals that make your audience feel something? I am the vocalist for you! I have 3+ years of vocal training and experience as a singer/songwriter in my alt rock project.I specialize in rock, indie & pop genres but even though I am comfortable within those genres, I am versatile and can sing any style you would like!
Seven Studios is a high-end recording studio complex (six rooms) based in Stockholm, offering production, recording, mixing and mastering.
Looking for a new creative approach to your production? I may have your answers with versatility in many genres and a good feel for flows and rhythm i can help to fill the missing parts of your idea. I really like music and can come up with different flows and vibes in a unique way.
Main Instrument: Electric Guitar
Vocalist with a powerful voice and a passion for electronic music: melodic techno, progressive house, afro house, EDM, drum & bass and etc. Ready to collaborate with DJs and producers to create unforgettable tracks! Let's make a masterpiece!
Recent Successes
"Did an amazing job mixing the 'Deadpool Rap Remix' for us (Teamheadkick). Drums sounded huge, synths sounded crisp, vocals were clear... everything had that authentic EDM vibe we were looking for. The turnaround was f..."
"super stoked with his work. guitars had a great tone and he came with plenty of awesome riffs that fit the vibe perfectly. quick response and quick turn over. i am looking forward to much more with with da "funk""
"Though Shrai works in a little bit different direction from me, he was able to fulfil my expectations and create a hit-sounding instrumental. He was listening very carefully to all my comments and suggestions, providi..."
"Excellent work. Great job taking the mix to the next level. Quick turn-around as well. Thank you, Rob."
"It's been really great working with Kyleen. She was able to give this track exactly what was missing. Her playing is well balanced and always tasteful. I look forward to working with her again! "
"It was a pleasure working with Álvaro. I asked him for a Piano cover (midi file) of a song from the 70s. He did a great job and delivered it within a week. Very professional. A great thanks to him."
"Amazing!!! Second one I have done with Darren and to no surprise it turned out great again. Professionally done as always."
"Magnificent storytelling and tone setting with Z’s somber and song sculpting bass. This is such beautifully written song Ziv you are the MAN!!! "