Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Tiano Vas
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Professional experience in recording, editing, mixing, mastering, programing MIDI, live sound engineering and live recording.
My name is GiGi Grombacher, I am a senior vocalist in the Popular Music Program at USC. I been doing technical training for 14 years and I am comfortable singing many different styles ranging from rock n roll to Broadway to pop.
No Grammy awards yet, but I'll make your tracks sound real good. I have a degree in Electroacoustics and Classical Music Composition, so I know my stuff. I compose, mix, play guitar, bass, and sing, all at a pro level. Top Credits: composing scores for Air Transat ads, opening for Anderson .Paak, working on a Martha Wash track.
You have a sound in your head and I’m here to bring it to reality and to your ears.
Mix/Master engineer/producer and dj specializing in electronic dance music. Always looking for a new project to get stuck into.
So, you need a songwriter for your next big hit? Look no further! My names SKŸE, I'm a songwriter from Australia and I'm the puzzle piece your song is needing to make it sound epic. Whether it be Pop or RnB, I'm your guy! I've got the experience to bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to your story. So....Let's go make some magic!!
Recent Successes
"Great work as always. Thanks a lot. We are already working on the next project as I write ;) "
"Fabulous composing and collaboration on this track. Looking forward to working on the next order. "
"What a flawless performance! Enunciation and pitching was perfect in every way for the song. "What a great job! Love the expression and passion in the vocals." The added harmonies and backing vocals also helped to bui..."
"Absolutely fantastic mixing and mastering engineer!! i sent the files in the morning and both songs were done by the evening. The quality is amazing and just what i envisioned. will be working further with Giancarlo a..."
"Richard was a pleasure to work with. Great communication and high quality results. I look forward to working with him again! "
"Michael has a great sense and personality. I truly appreciate his huge effort to make the best sound or me, over and over again. I love his sense of balancing the harmonies, that is so impressive. Very kind, hard w..."
"A proffesional but also very patient and warm person. Once he understands what sound you need, he delivers with great speed and accuracy. Also his ears are good at catching problematic frequencies."
"Great communication...100% stress free process and we love our final product."
"We straight undisputed champs over here haha. Rocki just knows how to eq perfectly, add the right breaks place perfect tuning! Rocki next level. Tyrone "
"Once again, Caden did an excellent job of really picking up what I was putting down for the vision of my song and the intent behind it. He is always very responsive, listens to feedback and easy to collaborate with! H..."