Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Ugly Kings
We Make Artists Realise Their Dreams.
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I own a little democracy home studio, and while last 2,5 years have recorded more than 1000 tracks of different genders.
A highly conceptual and experimental sound artist with lead sound credit featured in a film recently selected by Straight 8 for screening at Cannes Film Festival (2017).
Makio has worked in the music industry for over 10 years as an artist, songwriter and producer. He's worked with established artists (P. Diddy, Trey Songs,) to up and coming artist in local Los Angeles and overseas (Ivy J, John Hart, Will Singe, Kida Kudz). His production team Las Venus continues to make placements in TV/Film (Netflix,VH1,NBC,MTV)
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MisterSwagNABag At Your Service. The World Is Waiting To Hear You. Let's Give Them Something To Talk About.
I specialize in making things work. As a bass player I always want to find the way to improve the time feel in music, make the song structure and beat flow. As a mixer, I want everything to have its place and I think it is crucial to know what the artist expectations are, so communication is my top priority.
I am a Professor of Sound Design & Music Technology at Berklee College of Music in Boston. I started with piano at age 6 and I have been making Electronic Music since 2009. My specialty is turning your vision into original music!
Professional drummer, live and music studio for more than 10 year of experience! I’ve recorded for different artists in United States, Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Etc…
Recent Successes
"Nice sound. Answers messages very fast. Good attention to detail. Friendly. I believe hiring a pro like Robert for mixing my album was a good investment for my music. "
"Brent was an absolute pleasure to work with. He made sure that every mix was exactly the way we wanted it. He's also incredibly kind, passionate, and responsive. I would definetly work with him again! "
"Super cute & unique voice. Very professional, quick response & comfortable to work with."
"Mark Figured it out. Dan is musically psychic. That's how he drips the perfect artistic touch on your track no matter what style or feel it requires every single time in the most seamless way imaginable. Psychic powe..."
"Good work and communication !!"
"Kirsty is not just an AMAZING vocalist but an absolute professional! She not only delivered the perfect vocals but speedily with really great, fun communication! Can't wait to work with her again!"
"Great as always, her voice is of course incredible, but her lyric and melody skills are just as impressive."
"Marcello and his team have down it again (for, like, the 36th time with my songs :), delivering blazing vocals, precise and inspired instrumentation, and as always a fast, professional, and individualized creative ex..."
"Manuel is so great to work with. He took on a project with very short notice and his communication skills were amazing. He was ready and able to create whatever was necessary for the project. Looking forward to work..."
"Marco is a professional in his field, he did everything at the highest level, when I listened to the first version of the mix, I smiled and cried with happiness, it was wonderful, I’m glad that such an artist felt and..."