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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Salteens (producer)
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I'm a classical trained music producer, I love making beats of almost any genre and soundtracks
I'm a producer who graduated from Berklee College of Music majored in Professional Music (Music Production/Contemporary Writing and Production). Sequencing drums and make them sound real is my specialty as well as coming up with "quirky" and edgy beats.
I'm a seasoned writer with a forte in catchy hooks and choruses.
Session drummer and audio engineer, working at Cantus Producciones.
I can make a big and huge sound with soul!
Producer (minus Top Line)
I am the Bass player for bands Teeth Machine, Monzanto Sound and YUUF. I have done Sessions/Collaborated and/or live bass work for, Natty Wylah, Nadeem Din-Gabasi, Hugo Cottu, Chad The Polymath, Sandhouse, Lim Orion, Mali-I, Mark Cake, Saint Saviour, Santino Le Saint, Ed Baden-Powell (D'Influence), Cody Currie, Kaonefy, Léa Sen, Atlantis.
4+ Years Producing, Mixing and Mastering, Studying Music Production @ NYU. Take Your Songs to the Next Level With Kage.
Recent Successes
"Jason is incredibly talented and is an absolute pleasure to work with. Can't wait to work together again soon!"
"Riley is awesome, just as everyone below has said. Responds quickly & is really good at what he does! He mastered 6 tracks for me and gave them a nice finishing touch. Thanks Riley!"
"Another day with Dana another 5 star job. Quick, easy and very high quality. I prefer having a bass player edit a bass track because they are more likely to imagine what is actually possible with this instrument and I..."
"Francesca is so great. Always easy to work with and so talented on drums. I love working with her. You will too."
"Just completed my first ever mix with Rob. So blown away by how good my song sounds. Great communication and a really nice guy too. Getting ready to send another couple of tracks to Rob too. Very happy, quali..."
"Oh! I hit Joey up to help me with a project in which I WAS STUCK! He not only helped me but also understood how quickly I needed it done and really did it in a record time with an amazing quality... The AMAZING singer..."
"Excellent work! Sorry for the late review!"