Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Moment
I’m a media composer, producer, and songwriter from Vancouver, Canada. My multi faceted approach to composing music is centred around a passion for cinematic sound design and crafting lush, organic soundscapes that forge deep rooted emotional connections. I specialize in composing string arrangements and atmospheric texturing.
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We are a Recording, mixing and mastering studio specialized in rock and pop sound.
Analog Depth, Digital Precision
Producer, Recording, Mixing and Mastering engineer with an Associates degree in Commercial Music: Sound Engineering
Mixing, mastering engineer specialising in Dance Music, House & Techno. I have released and worked with some of the top industry labels such as Diynamic Music, Nervous Records, Simma Black, Madtech to name a few. Some artists credits include Max Chapman (Toolroom), Falhberg (Universal), Jhonsson (Lost Records/Knee Deep In Sound) more below
I will record studio quality, beautiful arranged cello parts remotely. I can improvise over, play along with, or read any part you need.
If you need insane stacked harmonies, sticky lead vocals, or a song written in pretty much any genre, then look no further! As an artist and songwriter, I have become fluent in genres under the pop umbrella – I believe I'm as versatile as they come.
A Producer should be equally as passionate about your music as you are. With me, we will collaborate on every step of the process to make sure the vision you have for your songs comes to life for the end user.
I'm an amateur singer and a brand new voice talent.
Recent Successes
"Mike is always consistent with his delivery. Mixed and mastered audio of the highest quality. Thanks as always from OVP! "
"Another stellar effort to be sure.. My buddy just keeps coming up with ideas that put my music over the top every time.. Making it hard for me to come up with new things to say.. But the truth is, he's the best!!!"
"What a great work!! Like Everytime Emma gives her best self and im always satisfied!!"
"Brittany delivered a beautiful vocal in record time. She provided lead, BGVs, and ad libs. Just an awesome job! We'll definitely be back!"
"99% satisfied Hear client really carefully + free revision and deliver 4 day on time"
"Even as a repeat client, I'm still amazed by how timely Andres delivers and by the great quality of his work. I highly recommend him."
"I've worked with Mark multiple times and will never stop. He's the best. Thank you Mark! "