Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Duke of Uke and His Novelty Orchestra
Sounds like Postal Service meets Chrissie Hynde with some Beck, Daft Punk, and Imogene Heap sprinkled in. One-stop shop triple-threat: producer, composer, vocalist. Giving your project the personal attention it deserves. One-woman choir with a nearly 4-octave range that plays tuba and produces beats and music beds to order.
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20+ years of experience.
We have over 20yrs exp. in producing, recording and mixing over 1000 projects and more...
Singer/songwriter based in NYC.
I'm a singer-songwriter from Bucharest with more than 20 million streams on Spotify. My first single "Stay With Me" has over 1.5 million views on Youtube and it was featured by many international magazines like Complex UK, Kaltblut, Born Music USA, Fucking Young! Magazine from Spain.
I'm a Singer and Guitarist, producing music for last 5 years, and 2 years of experience in mixing and mastering. You can Hire me for Session Guitar, Vocals (english, hindi) in pop genre; flexible to try other genres. Can Mix your music and Mastering as well.
UltraClear Two Track Mixing Services
Recent Successes
"Michael is fantastically talented, blessed with a superb voice and songwriting skills to match. He wrote and recorded a topline that far exceeded my expectations, and delivered on time as promised. A true professiona..."
"Tramaine Wow! Working with 89 keys has most definitely been the best freelance producer experience I’ve ever had. Extremely proficient, and got the job done so quickly. Every sound was exactly how we wanted and he ma..."
"Gabe’s super easy to work with, had my first real studio session with him and he made us feel right at home while also pushing us to get quality work done. Great production and mixing quality, gets to work right away ..."
"Bruce was great. Fast, professional, and really added to the song. I will be using Bruce again in the future. Bruce played violin and steel for me."
"Holly's smooth soulful vocals came as advertised! She did background vocals for my song, she had great creativity and full of energy which was exactly what I was looking for to bring my song to life. Look forward to w..."
"Gerry is world-class. Took my demo and turned it into something I could only have dreamed of. It is the most satisfied I’ve ever been with my music, and wish this rating system would let me give one millions stars. W..."
"Will is the best mix and master engineer I’ve worked with! The clarity, balance, and depth they brought to my tracks were unbelievable—truly next-level quality. They listened to our vision, communicated perfectly, and..."