Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Cruisers
Clear, pristine, and very affordable audio mastering with over 15 years of experience. I use a combination of several different softwares and plugins in order to achieve a great quality master that translates well on all sound systems. I would love the opportunity to show you what I can do with your music today!
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Hi! My name Mitchell Haeuszer. I am a professional musician and music producer based out of Los Angeles. I am a Berklee educated musician, with years of hands on experience working in high profile studios such as The Village and East West; and with musicians such as Coldplay, Ziggy Marley, Weezer, John Mayer, etc.
Some Releases in different Genres : Hands up, EDM , Progressive House, Electro, UK Hardcore , Hardstyle , Mental Madness , Suga Spin , White
Session bassist with over 30 year professional playing experience specialising in playing what's right for your songs with tone and feel. Classic and contemporary. Electric and upright bass. Old skool roots, modern Pop, soul, classic rock, blues and Pop etc.
I work on beat production every day. Also have recorded and mixed vocals/instrumentals for independent artists.
Session guitarist,many years experience playing and recording different styles of guitar music from traditional Andean,Jamaican,Blues,Funk and differente African styles on custom made electric and acoustic guitars and MIDI guitar.
With 12 years as a classically trained pianist as well as 7 years of performance and composing experience I am prepared to take on any challenge.
I have written over 100 songs in the course of a year, and will always be open to collaborating with artists in the future.
Recent Successes
"Great working with Summer- awesome songwriter :) and so fast!"
"John created my dream song, I could listen to the production on its own over and over (which I have). He went above and way beyond. Every change he suggested and made brought my simple accoustic version further to lif..."
"Gigi is a pleasure to work with. She did a great job following the vocal reference provided while also making it her own, enough to where it felt natural. Her vocal tone is unique - really nice for the EDM project we ..."
"This is the first song that Perry produced for me, and the start of many. The quality of the track (production and songwriting) was excellence on another level. Perry is an absolutely phenomenal producer and so brilli..."
"I don’t think anybody can work this fast with such amazing results , and honestly it means the world that she puts her heart into her work ! Wow !!!! Second song done !!! Can’t wait for the next one"
"Beautiful sounding guitar. Recommended. "
"First time on Soundbetter couldn't have been better (!) Shy was amazing, precise and fast, was very receptive to my comments and my ideas and was able to pick up on threads I had in my mind when I composed the song ..."