Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with The Cousins
Bold and daring music producer/mixer from Helsinki.
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Need someone to do sound for that crazy Sci-fi gear? Or for that huge creepy monster? Maybe titles? Re-recodring? Music mixing? Mastering? Well, You found your guy! For me, mixing is more, than plugins, DAWs and gear. It's all about emotions and feelings.
I go by Touch. I specialize in Rap/Hip-hop and Pop genres. Credits: Fendi - Keith Ape Ft. K$upreme & Okasian Shake - DJ Paul and OG Maco Pew Pew - Yung Gleesh El Chapo - DBanj ft. Gucci Mane Dont Answer - Jrich ent ft. Swaghollywood & Digital Nas Shotty - Jrich ent & Smooky Margiela Wop - Kid3rd ft. Famous DEX
I am a genre blender with experience making beats and recording full bands with a focus on what's got soul and grit, boom bap and twang, and I know how to do them right. I am the founder of Billboard charting band Gangstagrass and the creator or the Emmy nominated theme song to the hit FX show "Justified"
I will record acoustic drums for your song! With the use of high quality audio equipment I capture creativity and musicality on tape! Just contact me to talk about your project and I will tell you if I am the right man for your song… SPOILER: I am. My latest Drum-Video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsI4fru6n60
Very skilled songwriter. New ideas for a new generation. I like tracks that make you feel stuff, so my songs are full of emotions. I can guarantee amazing results that you'll absolutely love.
Rx is a Canadian R&B-Pop artist, producer, & multi-platinum songwriter. She has been mentored by Sleep Deez, Stargate, Jenna Andrews, Ne-Yo, and Emily Warren to name a few. She has worked with artists such as Kyla Imani, Macy Gray, & BTS.
Recent Successes
"Quick, professional and reliably worked close with my vision. Eileen delivered with plenty of options to choose from, very happy with the result!"
"Totally pro! Easy and fast and sounds amazing! "
"Love working on “Listen To Eyes” albums with Steve... it’s amazing when you find the perfect session artist to fit your sound!!! Highly recommend for metal/rock/Nu metal! Melodic, heavy, epic, great harmonies etc!"
"The quality is amazing I love his voice and the melody sounds great A really fast and quality service "
"Great work! Taka was super fast and delivered some amazing percussion work within just a couple of hours! He was also very reasonable with his fee, very communicative and totally adaptable to requirements throughout t..."
"Working with Jon was easy; very communicative and timely. His vocals bring an added character of the song that elevates all of it!"
"Dom did an amazing job on my track. Took my idea and optimized/added to make it exactly what I hoped it could be. "
"Daniel is such a pleasure to work with. Effortless communication and he delivered truly professional work. "
"Aishia has an amazing voice and talent, cooperation with her went very well and at a high level, great contact. I will definitely take up cooperation with her again ;) "
"Working with Matt was really amazing! He immediately understood the direction we were going for and knew how the production needed to be enhanced. Love his sound, especially how the vocals sit in his mixes. All in all..."