Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Templeton Thompson
Top Nashville Mastering Engineer as well as mix engineer with decades of experience working with major artists as well as independent artists. Doug is also a working Music Supervisor and can help get your songs where they need to be for Sync Placement consideration.
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Bla bla bla
Ive heard a lot of records that have mad potential, but fall short of whats expected based on the way it was engineered. Don't be one of those people. Your competition isn't local artist, its the artist in the industry! Record labels and investors want to put there money behind people who take there craft serious. Let me help you take that step.
As a new artist, I'm continually creating more of a catalog for what I've done. However, my songwriting/vocal abilities has achieved the attention from the likes of Mickey Shiloh.
I write songs based on my life experience in love, struggles, mood and life style.
My name is Kush and I aspire to be a songwriter/singer specializing in pop genre, although open to integrating different genres. Artist I like who I closely resemble to with my sound and writing styles are: Julia Michaels, Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Lorde etc
MaxCashForCar is a reliable name in the scrap auto removal industry. We are licensed cash for scrap cars dealers in the Brisbane area. We aim to make the whole car selling process easy for the customers. Once a customer makes a deal with us, we handle everything from collecting your car down to the bureaucracy associated with it
Electric Violinist, Female Vocalist, Acoustic Violinist - - Neo Folk, Modern Folk, Folk Pop, Celtic Fusion, World Music, Blues, Jazz, Classical
Recent Successes
"Dennis delivered a world class mix/master, and he successfully implemented all feedback. One of the best experiences all round, he has a great ear and great communication - will definitely continue to work with Dennis..."
"J.None is easy to work with. He gave us a perfect vocal. We appreciate it!"
"I have been working with musicians around the globe for many years, still do. I hired all kind of vocalist for many of my projects, some of the songs i have are still on the "shelf", for personal reasons. I always giv..."
"Aleesia is an absolute top tier vocalist! She works very hard to deliver a very high quality result that fits the style of both herself and the producer. She is easy to communicate with and is very nice. She is open t..."
"This is my second song that we collaborated to write. Once again, Brandon helped me create the song I was hoping for. It is such a personal song to me and he held true to the message and sang it beautifully"
"Chris is always a true pleasure to work with and he delivers top quality vocals rich in texture, timbre and emotion. I highly recommend Chris for your next project! "
"Great voice, great recording and super clear communication. This singer is highly recommended."