Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Synapse trailer music
Professional Mixing and Mastering studio for music tracks, films, games, or other media. Stereo, 3.1 and 5.1
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I am a professional music producer and mixing/mastering engineer with over 13 years experience with Pro Tools and mixing, as well as a Bachelor's degree in Music Production. Wether you need a song mixed, mastered, or completely written and arranged, together we can create your dream record without breaking the bank!
I'm a classically trained musician with 35 years of performance experience and 20 years of production and composition experience. Check me out.
KwEdman - ◉Cellist◉Arranger◉Composer◉Tutor◉Teacher◉Conductor◉
Every Million Miles, Adam Tensta, Amy Diamond, Wei Wei, Tainted Black
Rapper producer
Music is love and amplifies the connections between us. I'm here to share the love with you.
Trusted by the biggest labels in the EDM scene, Chapterlogue Studios is now available to all clients that want to take their music to next level with very cheap prices. Music is for everyone!
Hi, I'm Ray :) I am a singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada with a passion for writing and singing topline vocals and harmonies! I am most experienced in pop, indie, r&b and musical theatre but I am open to any genre.
Recent Successes
"Wes keeps reaching new heights with each song! I am in awe of his talent"
"We were very happy with the mastreing by Kramer. He opened the mix up, making it a pleasure to listen but it still had the dynamix we worked so hard for. Excellent job."
"A wizard on woodwinds!"
"His work was very good quality, he is very good and easy to work with. He followed my vision exactly, couldn't have gotten anything better back. Will definitely be working with him again in the future"
"This guy... magic tweaks🙇🏽♂️🍀"
"I am currently losing track of how many records I’ve worked on with Camilo but one thing for sure is, I haven’t lost track of how many times I’ve been pleased with his quality work! Saying he brings my mixes to perfec..."
"Brett the Writer is phenomenal... his lyrical ability is incredible while helping the artist to be themselves. His excitement and energy in working with the artist helps the project to continue moving forward and fun..."
"Awesome vocals, harmonies and ad libs that transformed the song. Quick turnaround and nailed first time."