Surround 5.1 Mixing in Gold Coast QLD
Prolific and Versatile Keyboard Player, Mix Engineer and Producer who has made a name for himself in a career that encompasses a wide selection of the music industry. Live or in the studio; I have loaned my talents to prominent artists word-wide, including: Wynonna, Maggie Rose, Chris Young, Stevie Nicks & Prince (Posthumously), Hillsong etc
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Asher has produced music for and with major pop artists across the globe. His versatility as a classical, EDM and pop composer and producer has brought him to perform at iconic venues such as Madison Square, Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, PBS and across 4 continents. He has expertise in mixing and mastering as well.
High notes and regular
I produced for a Grammy-nominated hip hop artist.
I want to make incredible musical textures, music that makes you feel you could reach out and touch it, that unifies with the visuals of your project.
NEED a HIT or a CATCHY SONG to get your career on the charts and make millions of fans? Or maybe you just need someone to take an idea you already have to the next level or help you tweak a few things and make it better... you picked the RIGHT person for the job! songwriter credits: Chris Brown - Lost and Found Usher - Birthday many more
Multi-instrumentalist, producer, and mix engineer exited to work on your next project.
My name is Samone. Singing is my passion, music is my world. I have been singing since 3 years old. I write all genres of music!
Clear and Crisp Production but microwaved water.
Recent Successes
"Kastropolis did a great job improving my song, he gave it a better mixing and a better production. I'll definitely will work with him if i need to."
"this guy is a dope singer songwriter! did 4 songs and nailed it first try. "
"Rachel ROCKS!!! She nailed her parts, incorporated my notes flawlessly, and was fun to work with. I recommend her services for anyone hoping to take their tracks to the next level, and then some!"
"I am so happy I found Nikos! His saw playing is extraordinary and he added a beautiful element to my composition. He is also a lovely guy who delivers crystal clear recordings, on time, as promised. I hope to work wit..."
"Reached out to Sonia with an instrumental and quite a specific theme for lyrics. She came back with a great idea proposition for the lyrics. We then started a very pleasant back and forth process to fine tune the lyri..."
"I was very satisfied with her work. She put in a lot of effort, was self-motivated, and brought suggestions to the table. She also has a pleasant and beautiful voice :) "
"Caden is awesome to work with! This was our 5th song together and our ability to collaborate and get in sync about the direction of each song is getting better and better!"
"Amazing voice! I needed some backing vocals and she nailed it, I will work with her more often :)"
"Professional. Was even better than expected. Incredible background vocals."
"Real work every time, he are a masterpiece"