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Surround 5.1 Mixing in Falcón
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Mastering Services since 25 years in all genres, worldwide. From Acoustic (Yann Tiersen including the Soundtrack from 'Amelie Poulain') to Dance Tracks like Meat Beat Manifesto (including the Tracks used in the Movie 'The Matrix) and a wide Range of Music from all over the world. Check on Discogs for a selection of +3000 releases.
Electric Guitar, Acoustic, Guitar ,Spanish Guitar ,Oud Session Player. Music Producer and Arranger.
I compose and produce in the hip hop, soul, jazz, and house genre. If you’d like old school sounding mixes and beats with new age quality let’s connect. I’ve produced hip-hop albums and singles, freelanced with HBO, and have composed countless instrumentals.
With 18 years of experience as a Audio Engineer I ensure your expectations will be surpassed. I have experience in all genres but my specialty is Hip-Hop, EDM and other Alternative-driven genres. Over the years I've been trusted to engineer songs from artists such as Kamaiyah, Juice WRLD, Kreyshawn, Method Man and Too Short.
Multi-genre singer. I'll write top lines & record vocals over your productions. I will make your song sound like a hit record and take it to the next level. My goal is to make sure your song will touch the HEART and SOUL of the listeners. I'm ready to make an amazing hit together!
WIH STUDIO is an audio and video production to produce all types of content. eg We Deal in Audio Recording, Console Mixing, Movies, Dramas Dubbing, Video Songs ,Naat, Nuhy, Qawali, Documentaries, Commercial etc.
With my 8 years professional experience as a multi-instrumentalist, producer and educator I have developed extensive skills within the industry, with the projects I have been involved with being heard by millions of listeners.
Be different, Be an individual, It is my passion to create unique drum sounds that bring out your voice and inspire your own creativity. My name is Cedar Howard, I am a session drummer located in New Orleans with 16 years experience as a performer and session musician.
Recent Successes
"When you find someone with pure raw talent, you can’t help but respect and admire what they do. That’s exactly how I feel when I work with Merty. If you’re new or just coming back to soundbetter and need a professiona..."
"AMAZING! Very communicative and helpful, always made it priority to understand what I was going for and wanted, while using he's experience/expertise to make it sound better. Lovely guy -went above and beyond! Thank you!"
"Myah is just incredible. With an amazing voice, extensive technical capabilities/production know-how, and a collaborative, positive personality, Myah is a joy to work with. Incredibly punctual too! Can't wait for ..."
"Erik was by far one of the easiest people I've ever worked with and is really committed to helping you achieve the final product you're aiming for. Excellent communication, really solid understanding of the vibe I wan..."
"There just aren’t enough words to describe how good Darrell is… ALWAYS ON POINT! Always a true pro.. I recommend him to everyone I know that needs “the real deal”"
"Back to Yoed for the 3rd time. Again he did an amazing job arranging and playing strings "
"Phenomenal solo performed my João! I can't expect anything better! "
"Great as always!! "