Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sunbears!
Over 10 years experience Mastering Records and Albums from the Indies to the Majors.
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Hello, my name is Michael Candido and I'm a freelance Producer/Mixer. I started mixing in 1998 and over the years taught myself as well as sought the aid of many highly acclaimed engineers who became my mentors' over the years for their different skill sets. My approach to music is highly dependent on the material of the band and the track itself.
in The Lab We believe mastering is an art form, and should be approached as such. Since mastering is about the presentation, it is subjective, yet still requires an objective perspective of the music. There are as many opinions about how mastering is needed and used as there are engineers. Music is art. And art is not a competition.
I am one of the top jazz/commercial trumpeters in the city of Philadelphia. I have played with many of the top musicians in the Philly area, and have experience writing and playing in many different styles of music. I also compose and arrange for my band and have been commissioned to write for anything from big band to classical works.
Im a robot with sounds that dwell in harmony at the bottom of the ocean.
Salut! producteur de musique / BeatMaker je cherche maintenant des artistes avec qui coopérer À votre santé! https://soundcloud.com/user-343988580 Hello! music producer / BeatMaker I am now looking artists to cooperate with Cheers! https://soundcloud.com/user-343988580
Vocal tone that tells a story and cuts like butter. Success on Spotify (280K+ monthly listeners). High quality and fast turnaround!
I was in the top 50.
10 years of experiencing recording and mixing artists in the Philadelphia and South Jersey music scene. Passionate about helping artists reach their creative potential as they progress up the ladder to bigger things. Projects include Heather Grey, Mochitsuki, Nave, and many other locals over the years.
Recent Successes
"Daniel was beyond.. I knew he would.. but the instincts him and his partner Krystall had were on point.. brought the vision to life even more and stacked their vocals to create a choir effect.. so beautiful and was so..."
"Omar was quick, easy to communicate with and approached the project with a unique creative twist. Would absolutely work with him again!"
"Great work! Chris is very precise and always deliver. I must recommend him even if I would like to have an exclusive relation with him!"
"Can't thank Sam enough for his technical inputs and patience with this, my first ever track. It was in a fairly rough state to start with and I'm so happy with the final, polished version. Always quick to respond and ..."
" It's been an awesome journey working with that man . Another great job again and I appreciate . Thanks"
"Matt Bishop rules"
"Bomarz is legit! This dude it extremely talented. He mixed and mastered a single of mine in no time at all, it felt like overnight. I’m still new to recording and am getting used to capturing raw audio in the most opt..."
"The experience with Nat was great! The communication couldn't be better, and the result was exactly how I wanted it to sound. Very professional and kind teamwork! I can highly recommend to work with Nat, I will defin..."