Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sub Dose
Hi folks, I'm Chris, a sound engineer with 25+ years of experience. I specialize in mixing, mastering, audio restoration and guitar reamplification. In addition to running two record labels (over 100 releases), I'm also an active musician and producer. As a lecturer, I have taught audio engineering to hundreds of students. Just hit me.
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Studio d'enregistrement pour projets musicaux et publicitaires. Nous offrons un service clé-en-main et personnalisé pour tout ce qui a trait à l'audio.
‘Infectious’ - Rocksound magazine. ‘Perfecting the formula [of modern Indie]’ Uncut magazine. Where energy, electronic and organic instrumentation meet is where I specialise. With over 15 years of experience in producing, writing and touring music all over the globe, I am keen to see your songs both deliver on the record and on the stage.
I've been a gigging guitarist/singer for several bands with original music. I can write full songs, arrangements and choose tasteful guitar sounds for rock and indie music.
DIAMOND Certified Engineer, Multi Platinum Producer & Songwriter, Grammy Nominated Vocal Producer, 2023 Songwriter Hall of Fame Curtis Mayfield Honoree.
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Hip Hop or Trap beats
Creating polished, audio ready magic for my clients!
Recent Successes
"Just had the great joy of working with Kate on recent song again. I have worked with Kate on 3 songs and what can I say? Brilliant in all respects and wonderful to collaborate with. Her track record of returning clie..."
"Once again Alex delivered really creative grooves and great sounds for a new indie rock production! By the way he is also a great guy!!!"
"Simon is not only a great producer, but he is a great co-worker. He transcribed from my head into music with us hardly needing any changes at all. I'm very pleased with the song and can't wait to release it. Brilliant..."
"This guy is absolutely monster! If you need help deciding on a mix engineer let me help you. Pick this guy. Even before mixing he gave me advice on my rough mix enabling me to go back a get my low energy where it nee..."
"James is an amazing and greatly talented bassist. This is in addition to his great personality. He accommodated our needs without hesitation. People like him make online music collaboration enjoyable!"
"James was very flexible and receptive to input during the mastering process. Keen ear for reference tracks and put out maximum effort at making sure I was happy with the final product. "
"Joseph is the man!! He was very responsive and easy to work with. His quality of work far exceeded our expectations and we will certainly be coming back to him for more songs in the future! We would rate Joseph a 10..."
"This was my first time working with Elliot and he did not disappoint! I can be a bit of a perfectionist and Elliot was super patient working with my requests. He delivered a super crispy/punchy mix and master at a lig..."