Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Steven James
SALE! $50/ Song. With 20 years of writing experience and 8 years of dedicated songwriting in country music, I’m your go-to for authentic lyrics, captivating vocals, and polished production across all country subgenres. Let's create the next big hit together, whether you're after modern country flair or classic country soul! SALE! $50/ Song.
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Hi, my name is Jason Shepherd. I've been a musician, songwriter and music teacher for over 20 years. I've toured as a musician from California to Florida and have created 5 instructional DVDs on guitar and bass. Over the years I've played a lot of styles from classical to heavy. I would love to help you get what you need to make your songs awesome!
My production/writing discography includes Kelly Clarkson, Kesha, Hayley Kiyoko, Betty Who, Tegan & Sara, Everglow, and more. My songs have had placements in Greys Anatomy, Sony Pictures films, Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, MTV, People Magazine, Billboard, and Rolling Stone - to name a few.
My name is Obed Chavarry. I'm an independent composer and music producer, releasing songs in spotify, youtube and soundcloud and also working for the radio stations group RPP (Lima, Peru) It is my wish, to provide uplifting, passionate and inspiring music for visual artists, in a way that it can help and support the exposition and creatively deliv
I am a professional recording artist, female vocalist, and songwriter from Chicago. I've worked with the Billboard-charting producers, Keith Sorrells and Milk N Cook, and the artists Austin Fillmore and Daniel and the Sparrows to name a few. With my in-home studio, I have to ability to work with artists across the globe. Let's collaborate!
"You made the gaming headset sound like a $500 mic" Said one of the first artists I've mixed and mastered for.
Pink Floyd's 'live sound guy' now providing a professional remote mixing, mastering and production service.
Producer and engineer of Universal Music artists and independent artists as well.
Elevate your music to new heights! As an aspiring Mix & Mastering Engineer and Beat Producer turning my passion into a profession, I'm here to perfect your sounds. I'm currently pursuing my diploma in Sound Engineering & Music Design to deliver unique and professional results for you. Let's collaborate on your tracks and make them something special
Recent Successes
"Probably one of the most expirences ghostwriters in the industry. Have worked with Merty on multiple different occasions and he has had no trouble bringing my visions and concepts into a reality. Always on time and de..."
"It has been a pleasure to work with SoundBetter; I needed a saxophone track for one of my songs and I work with a very talented player, Ian Smith, that perfectly interpreted my requests. Thank you SB, thank you Ian. I..."
"Great work took my mix to where it needed to be."
"Contacted Matthew on Tuesday and I had the bass tracks for my song by Friday night! Very nice guy and easy to work with, he sent on two takes, one which I had given him set instructions for and one where he demonstrat..."
"Brittney is an amazing singer! Concerned, Enthusiastic and really professional. Her voice is smooth and Brittney has a perfect control of it. A pleasure to work again with her! "
"Another great production with Markus. This time on a Funk Track with amazing guitars!! Delightful!!!"
"Konstantinos Kalatzis is an amazingly talented percussion artist who is heads and shoulders above the competition. His work is both hypnotic and thought-provoking in a way that is oh so rare to find in music these day..."
"It was an absolute joy working with Aleesia. She absolutely knows what she's doing, and delivered an amazing lyric and vocal for my song and handled revision requests very well. I will for sure be back for another one..."
"Very happy to do songs with Sergei he’s a guitar hero "