Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sreen Gan
I'm a sound engineer working in my own music and sound production studio Hexod Studio in Lille, besides my job as a stage manager at le Nautilys, Comines. In top of this, I'm also a singer and guitarist, and I worked on few artistic projects from folk/rock to hip-hop and metal.
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More providers:
Freelance engineer in the greater Nashville area
Fred Michaud, Loud Music Legacy!!
The hours are long, some have degrees while others are self taught.
Hi! I am a Swedish music producer creating tracks mainly in the genres Tropical House and Future Bass but I can adapt to almost any electronic genre to suit your needs!
Versatile Songwriter & Recording artist with collaboration credits with artist from Bad Boy, Roc-a-fella, Grand hustle, BSM & more. Music placements with MTV, BET, VH1 & Music Choice.
I will produce, write, mix, master, AND market your song with promo videos and art work I have been a songwriter and engineer since 2013 and I have worked with artists such as Something unique about is my versatility.
Releases with SMTC Underground,Balkan Connection,Stellar Fountain,Droid9
Will help your music to stand out and sound professional.
Recent Successes
"the second song with the Noise Factory showed me again the great musical talent that stands behind the name. super cooperation.awesome drum skills. "
"super quick turnaround, great communication, plenty of options / takes and great drumming! Highly recommended! "
"I highly recommend working with Matt. We have done a lot of songs together now and the production and professionalism is superb. Already starting our next tracks. Thanks again Matt! "
"Axel went to great lengths to get the best out of my song. And he works very quickly!"
"10 out of 10...no question! He delivered a string section that fitted my track perfect. I really couldn't ask for more. He matched the mood of the song so good with his work! This is really a professional guy. I will..."
"A terrific person to work with, second batch of songs completed by Dom. He has brought out the best in my songs and added new dimensions to them that I couldn't express myself. Always delivers when he says he will and..."
"Really talented and puts his heart in understanding your music! Very kind and service-minded. Alos very responsive and communicative. Would definitely recommend!"
"Nice Guy, super tone and playing. Excellent communication and a great help for my project!!"
"Another great tracks from Ashley who played oboe and orchestral flute on my remix ! She's very professional and friendly. Looking forward to working with her again !"