Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Squama Recordings
Bringing life to your tracks with high quality drum and percussion recordings. Looking forward to working on your next project.
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I'm Mikey "Vegas" Villegas, an Artist Manger, Producer/MixEngineer/Engineer, currently located in Cleveland, Ohio. My passion is MUSIC!!! I co-founded Area 67 Music in 2006 to help Artists/Bands develop their image & sound while guiding them through some of the potholes that can side track creativity.
I'm a simple man. I love music, I do music.
Pop and Latin Pop singer/songwriter in Paris. Music placed on several Latin and American tv shows. Searching for songwriting opportunities.
Im the artists producer, i bring the best out of you and your work!
I want to make you sound amazing! If you're in need of a custom backing track, vocal editing/cleanup, mixing or mastering, I am ready to work for you.
Hello, I started my career in 1998 as a Studio Sound Engineer Recording various Bands and Producers. Did a few Mixes as well, but took an immediate liking and completely fell in love with Mastering :) So, since 2003, I have been a Mastering Engineer.
I'm a professional music producer, mixing & and mastering engineer with +5 years of experience I will help increase your quality by giving you a professional studio sessions on your songs
Producer and mixing engineer with 500 mill streams in the bag. Platinum certified.
Recent Successes
"Pablo and Laura are wonderful to work with! It’s been a great experience each project with great communication and outstanding work! "
"Zeff was awesome, played a beautiful piano part exactly as I wanted. Would recommend to anyone and looking forward to working together again soon ! :)"
"Jayden is pleasure to work with. They came with ideas to the table and we meshed our visions together and made it happen. Thanks for your willingness to adjust also and facilitate my ideas. I appreciate that."
"I'm a repeat happy customer!! Nothing else to say!"
"Fantastic collaboration! Thomas is a very attentive and very highly skilled specialist! He took my vision into account and made exactly the vibe I was looking for! The track sounds great, thanks a lot, Thomas "
"Heath is that man!!! He tore it up on my track, and elevated my song exponentially. I love everything he did. His singing of the melody, harmony, accents, flairs, and ad-libs were a perfect fit and hit the mark eve..."
"I am so pleased with the beautiful song Lucas has done. Really happy. Very pro and full of life. And the way of collaborating also excellent. Cant wait to work again together. Thank you!!!"
"What an amazing and kind guy. He finished my song quickly and efficiently but did a bang up professional job. He was so nice and easy to work with, will for sure be using his services again!!"