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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Spinnin’ Records
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Hey there-- If you need some sultry tones on your song, I'm your girl!
Fabrizio Savio is an electronic music producer, composer and sound designer. Born in the province of Como in 1991, from an early age he became passionate about music playing piano and saxophone. In 2016 he graduated in "Electronic Music and New Sound Technologies" at the "G.Verdi" Conservatory of Como.
I produce melodic dubstep and melodic edm. Much like marshmello and Alan walker.
Well seasoned UK music producer and mix engineer. My goal is client satisfaction and providing top of the line music.
Rap/Trap/Lo-Fi Hiphop beats and More! Audio editing, noise removal or reduction and mixing services! custom Binaural Beats, Isochronic tones and subliminal files!
Cinematic Composer For Film, TV, Video Games and Advertisements 25 Years of composing experience https://nicholaspatrickfilmmusic.com/
Welcome! My name is Robin Leeway and I am a passionate guitarist and lead singer. Everything in my life is about music!
Ing de Sonido, compositor, letrista y arreglista, productor musical y diseñador sonoro.
Recent Successes
"Very easy to work with Zack: Very clear communication and reliable delivery of quality product. Easy choice!"
"I had an amazing experience working with Gosteffects. He found a great female top line vocalist and was extremely helpful and responsive. I highly recommend him and you can tell he has great experience in his craft. I..."
"James is the man!!! Very easy to work with and super cool. I will definitely work with him again. He was able to help me meet my release deadline. He listened to my concerns and what I wanted to hear and was able ..."
"JD is the heart beat of my songs. A drummer producer kind is the best you could ever find. A song without JD's drum is a song without proper heart beat. I am so happy to have songs produced by JD. Wow, not only he's a..."
"Such a professional! It was such a pleasure working with such a talent like Natalie"
"Dan was super friendly & professional - with solid work and quick turnarounds! He was very responsive to my ideas and was very fast to deliver. Great producer. Thank you Dan :)"
"Incredible to work with - Erik is my go to....love his work!!"