Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with spaysi yicb
Hit , only about Hit , hit me up on Instagram: @spaysi
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Doug Reynolds is an expert in the field of entertainment and possesses 10+ years of experience in music production. I prefer working with people who have not yet established themselves and will work hard to make sure your songs or production are end their journey with high-quality sound.
I use a work vs. fun formula for projects. The more fun, the more flexible the fee. ** my allmusic profile is not up to date as of 2016.
I am a 22 year old biracial singer from Minnesota residing in Atlanta who has diverse talent and can sing/write Pop, Hip Hop, RnB, AfroBeat, EDM, Country, and Spanish hooks/songs.. Lets Work.
I will write, record, and create a custom topline for your track. Very excited to work with you!
Award-winning electronic music producer and artist based in Brooklyn, I specialize in minimal, micro-house primarily working with analog equipment.
Multimedia artist
With over 20 years of experience, I am a Brazilian drummer specializing in Bossa Nova, Pop, Folk, Samba, Funk, and a variety of grooves. Proficient in both studio recordings and live performances, I also offer mixing and mastering services to enhance your music. Let's create something amazing together!
Welcome to our truly creative recording studio led by Sergey Grachov. If you - as a professional musician/singer or as a beginner - are looking for creativity and quality, then our many years of experience and modern equipment will help you bring all your craziest musical ideas to life.
Recent Successes
"Awesome producer and multitalented musician. Always gives more than 100% and very professional producer! Would highly recommend "
"This is my second time working with Ashley, and she has surpassed my expectations once again. She brought new life to my demo ideas with her recordings, and she is now my go-to singer for the future. Highly recommen..."
"Frank is fantastic to work with and rightly comes highly recommended! The playing, the tones, the attention to what the song needs, and the friendly correspondence and ability to digest ideas all make working with him..."
"Chris is absolutely incredible. He not only provided just the right performance but thoughtfully and patiently worked through all of the details. Highly recommended."
"Excellent communication, amazing professionalism and LOVE the final/first version that Chris sent (no revisions)! Understood what I wanted, did his thing and I'm very pleased - quick turnaround too. Thank you Chris 🙏🏻"
"I always love working with Robin, he is talented and has a unique vision of music. I'd like to work with him again in the future !"
"Nathalie has been fantastic! I did not give her a deadline, but she wrote lyrics, recorded and sent me the files faster than I expected. And it sounds amazing. I have nothing negative to say, I am super satisfie..."
"Perfect :)"
"Lupe has great vocal range from very low to very high notes. His vocal complexion is distinctive. A passionate and expressive performer. His technique is brilliant. He is very musically intelligent << I highlig..."