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Sparta Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Ars Arcanum Productions is run by a graduate student in electro-acoustics specializing within production and composition of contemporary music. Up and coming and especially similar with new technologies and possibilities that are far from being traditional.
I'm as passionate as you are about making your music sound the best it can be.
Dogcreek Digital Audio - Recording Audio - Mastering Excellence
Ryan Tedder says I have a “Dope voice” so you should take his word for it! 😜 I'm SOZI, LA born & raised singer, songwriter, topliner, music artist, and producer.
I'm a 26-year-old mixing engineer. I can help you bring balance to your already produced, recorded, and edited project. I can't wait to work on your track. Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions.
Focused on heavy music and some styles of pop music as well. HeavyTrack studio is specialized in mixing and works remotely. We love heavy music, Rock, Hardcore, Metal and some kinds of Pop Music. nicolaslgomes.com
Allround pop-rock singer-songwriter with (musical)theatre and live gig experience of 10+ years.
I’m an 18-year-old EDM producer and mixing/mastering engineer with 6 years of experience, focused on making tracks sound polished and professional.
Recent Successes
"How privileged to work with the best. Ryan is a very talented guy and a good person to work with. Great collaboration I'm very happy !"
"Marcello was very accommodating to my requests and was quick to correct any concerns. He is a strong lead vocalist and best suited for contemporary Rock genres. Great customer service skills as well, I will keep him i..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Austin. Delivers great result every time and he revise as many times you will till you are satisfied! Looking forward to work with him on future projects. "
"For me!!! the mixing process and mastering as well is like playing an instrument or singing!!! U have to communicate something in order to touch fiber and make the people love your song.!!! Art is a Musician before be..."
"Another amazing mix & mastering from Nico! High Quality results and great communication! Best to work with!! "
"Did a great job! Aaron was helpful and offered advice too. Really appreciate the final mix, sounds awesome. Cheers"
"Brian is an agile producer who was able to add his own creative intuition into the mix, so to speak, while respectful of the vision I had for my song. He brought exciting ideas to the table that elevated the track to ..."
"Fabio has an amazing voice, really can make your track shine!"