Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sony/Fox Tv " Brothers "
Music production, mixing, and mastering for Disney, Fox Sports, MTV, and numerous remixes for artists such as Missy Elliot, Nas, and Jay-z to name a few.
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Romlott Hazai Studio 2013.
My sound is current. I specialise in Rap, Drill, RnB, and AfroPop. I’m KC, a Music Producer and Mix Engineer from London, UK. I’ve worked with artists worldwide, creating music they can confidently release on Spotify and other major streaming platforms. Contact me, and let’s discuss your project in detail.
I produce and mix very well for very cheap.
I can produce quality music in an efficient time. I work very quickly. I have over a decade of producing, mixing, and recording at a professional level in the Music Industry. I will provide a quality product at a reasonable rate.
I can truly make a difference in your song by creating extraordinarly beautiful one-of-a-kind lyrics.
I'm a full time live/session bassist in LA - I just played an NPR Tiny Desk, recorded on 3x Oscar Winner CODA, regularly do session work for major record labels, and frequently play shows/tour with artists and viral TikTokers. I wanna write for you and/or record professional-level songs (pre-mix), bass lines, & vocals.
I am a hard worker who always tries to do all the best I can. I love reaching high results in the shortest terms. My application strategies are more about my goal from them.
Composer, classique and electro music
Recent Successes
"Benny is great to work with and very talented- highly recommend!"
"Great guy to work with as well as very reliable and honest. Very affordable and good quality work . "
"Dibs was amazing to work with. As a first time working with a producer from a distance I was a bit nervous, but Dibs took all the notes, patiently making the changes until we had the finished track which we are extrem..."
"It was great to be working with Andrew, very happy with our final track and confident in a co-creative evolution, more to come ! Super communication, beautiful instrumental ideas for directions that make the song come..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Ilia. :) The project was quite tricky to be honest and required playing ON POINT and Ilia did it perfectly. Wonderful instrument... great sound and expression! Very well done. "
"What's great about Joachim is his ability to listen -- to listen to the tracks he's going to accompany, and your rough ideas about where you would like the song to go, and use his own creativity to make drum tracks ..."
"Excellent job thank you David"
"Lydia was very professional from start to finish. A great communicator with attention to detail, a lovely voice and so easy to work with. Highly recommend her talents."
"Doug Diamond is the Very Best! He is in a Class all by himself. I have all intentions of using his uniqueness in months and years to come. Richard Cobb / CEO Covington Records"