Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Soles of Duende
I am a seasoned trumpet player, arranger, and music producer with an ear for what it takes to make a great record. I have performed and worked with some of the leading artists/bands in the industry, both emerging and established, across a multitude of genres, bringing forth over 15 years of experience to your next project.
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Mastering music and sound worldwide for artists, labels and production companies in all sizes!
Louder Hub - is more than a recording studio and rehearsal space. This is the center of musical culture, blurring the boundaries between art and technologies.
Session bass guitar and double bass player based in London U.K, recording professionally almost on a daily basis from my home studio covering a wide array of music styles and lucky enough to be often hired by artists and productions to record in the most legendary U.K. studios (Abbey Road, RAK, Metropolis, Fish Factory, Fiction, etc.)
Lets build a relationship and craft your sound to your dreams and imagination. I am willing and ready to work.
Tahmid Islam Munna Student SEO Expert
Accomplished cellist from South Asia - Sri Lanka. Check my portfolio for the vast range of music styles from East to West I have recorded.
Spanish/English songwriter. Song structure, lyrics, and melody are my strong suits.
Recent Successes
"This guy is so talented! Truly a pro. Does his homework, and has that rare gift of melody we all strive for. Also great with harmonies! "
"Riley is so easy to work with. I really like the way he makes my vocals sound with tuning and fx. I've done multiple projects with him now and hope we can continue to work together for a very long time. He has great i..."
"G Bass is definitely an underrated engineer on this site. I had an 80s new jack swing styled song that I needed mixed and G was able to turn my dream into a reality with a clean and smooth sounding mix. Since the styl..."
"First time using Martin, excellent communication and professionalism. I had a very good experience, did everything I asked and very fast..I do recommend Martin, you will not be disappointed ."
"Steve just completed the final, epic string arrangement on an 11-song album that I can't wait to hear recorded with a live orchestra. The man is a genius! Both I and my producer feel very, very fortunate to be able ..."
"Brittney was so great to work with and Im so excited to release the track we worked on together. :) "
"Brandon Chase sang the lead vocal on one of my tracks. In the first draft he nailed the vibe and the vocal tonal qualities which I was seeking in this particular song. I found him to be prompt, reliable and well pre..."
"Another great master from Tom!"