Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SoldierKid
I've Worked With A Lot Successful Multi-Platinum Artists As Well As Local Artists. I Worked With Ed Sheeran, J Balvin, Pharell, Pusha-T, Lauv, Snow Patrol, Elton John, Twenty One Pilots, Cher & A Lot More As An A2 Audio Engineer. Also Worked The 2019 Orlando, FL Pro Bowl & The 2019 Atlanta Super Bowl I Helped With Audio & Lighting.
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Finally back on here and ready to work! Mix engineer/Producer for DJ KHALED’s WE THE BEST Music. I’ve worked with and mixed for all the tops stars. Got an engineering Grammy for “Higher” for being an engineer for Nipsey Hussle.
I'm passionate about bringing tracks to life, whether it's through creating a pulsating remix, producing original music, elevating your music production, or perfecting your tracks with professional mixing.
Im Zach Bloomstein. Im a Portland OR based Engineer/Mixer/Producer and Mastering Engineer. I currently work out of jackpot! Recording Studio I’ve worked with local and national acts such as Searose, Squirell Flower, Bowling Shoes, Glitterfox, Sleater Kinney, Laura, Laura!, Silvertounge and Spooky Boys.
Prepare to be amazed
Content Writing Services
Best edits, best quality...
Singer and lyricist; English and Spanish; Ballads, classical crossover, tropical / Latin, musical theater and pop rock.
Recent Successes
"Teo is honestly an incredible producer. I can't wait to work with him again - an actual visionary. I loved collaborating on our track. "
"Nate is amazing. communication is great and played exactly what my songs needed. next level drummer. would highly recommend"
"The experience I had with Brent on my project was excellent! He kept me updated throughout the entire process with examples of ideas he had for me before just putting anything down and calling it finished. I would de..."
"I can’t say enough good things about Jenny. She is amazingly intuitive and a wonderful musician. The Wurlitzer & B3 parts she played for my song were just perfect. It’s like she read my mind. I’ll be back!"
"Scott is incredibly easy to work with. He's communicative and provides multiple takes with different approaches and ideas. I've used him several times for piano/organ tracks and I know I'll use him again in the future."
"Alex has become a reference point for my activity as artist. Every song I gave to him for mastering was perfectly done, as i would say perfectly listened to. Results are much more musical than using pro mastering prog..."
"A repeat customer here for the 4th time and as always we again a satisfied customer! Robert is very professional. He is approachable and willingly do our request with utmost accuracy. Hoping to have him for our next s..."