Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sofiloud
I am a multi platinum music producer and mix engineer whit over 40 releases on major labels. I will edit your vocals to perfection, and quality proof it for the music industry.
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Hi I'm Joe. I am a songwriter ready to work.
If you're looking for modern production in Pop, Dance, Hip hop etc.. look no further. I've worked with artists like Loud Luxury, Slayyyter, Nick Jonas, RAC, Tep No, Tchami and nearly every Major Label and Publisher. I've had songs featured on BBC Radio 1, Siruis XM, KissFM, Netflix, HBO MAX, and Love Island to name a few.
Forward Studios have always been focused on finding highest standards in terms of professional audio and technologies and thanks to its record label Forward Music Italy, you find also creative support. We have the opportunity to work with the best artists and musicians in the national and international music business.
I work in production, I am a songwriter and vocalist mainly. With a degree in Performing Arts and Music with a scholarship from Wayne State University in Michigan. I am looking for collaboration, I write lyrics and melodies, and can record professional vocals.
You need some airy female vocals? Or a catchy song? I'm your girl! The project won't be complete until you're 110% happy with the results.
Fandango Recording is a music production, recording, voice over, mixing, mastering, audio and sound restoration professional studio. The studio is mostly specialized in pop, jazz, R&B, adult contemporary, EDM, hip hop and classical music.
Thelonius Monk Thespian in the devil's workshop, aspiring religious good Samaritan.. Tech geek. Broke.. Possible starving student/artist Incident with the college campus Security office..
I'm an experienced and professional singer, songwriter, film scorer and sound designer, working for over a decade in this area. Willing to provide a clear and excellent service.
Recent Successes
"Sepehr is an amazing producer. Very efficient, and produces great quality music. I highly recommend working with him!"
"My man absolutely smashed the solo! If I wasn’t a broke lil boi I’d buy him court side seats to see the Lakers for all the hard work! Ehh maybe a beer. Guy is a legend!"
"Great work, very professional and a very artist, not just a singer"
"Top singer. great communication which is super important. knows his job! pleasure to work with him. Superb results. thank you!"
"Gerrard creates room for your mixing brain that allows us to focus on the next stages. He is a fast and efficient engineer. We appreciate his help always! "
"very fast and very pro!"
"Austin was awesome with all the revisions and very professional. Great work!"
"I swear by the talent of this dude! Since we've started working together, with every damn new mix, this guy impresses me more and more. If you need a producer or a mix engineer with a creative mind, he is the go-to gu..."
"Mark was phenomenal to work with! He truly took my musical ideas from voice notes in my iPhone to a production that was better than I imagined. His ear for chords, rhythm, beat and vibe is unmatched. I will be exc..."