Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Social action Youtube
I am available to do any production work or recording work in a tight 3-5 business day window
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Mixing engineer. Music producer.
I write lyrics, record my own tracks, do minus for reps, mix, master, clmpression, I have my own Studio, and this is my hobby and lifestyle, sometimes I record cover versions of famous songs
Storyteller from '92. Outlaws of the Universe Records. The first two phases of my rap career was dedicated to the 90's and this next phase is dedicated to modern day times. If you're looking for 90's vibes/bars that's my bread and butter but I'm just as nice on trap type beats. Let's chop it up.
I am small but my voice is BIG.
I can mix and master your track in the genres of EDM/Dancehall/ Afrobeats/ POP / House/ Rap and R&B I can also make lyric videos too industry standard. Please contact me for pricing. Example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFy9llGJyD8
Mexican musician/composer/sound designer and producer. My solo project: OSTEL
I am an experienced mixing and mastering technician specialized in creating music productions of exceptional quality. With advanced techniques, I carefully combine and balance tracks to achieve a cohesive and professional sound. As a vocalist I possess qualities as a vocalist, particularly excelling in powerful guttural vocals.
I`m a Session Guitarist, Producer, Composer, Teacher. I do Transcriptions, Tracks, Guitar lessons.
Recent Successes
"Lukas Rimbach is a truly gifted engineer and pleasant to work with. His work ethics are excellent, he makes effort to understand the thought behind the song and then uses superior skills and musical ear to represents ..."
"Marc has helped elevate my band's sound greatly for our debut EP. Our songs were a jumbled mess before he stepped in. The best thing about him is being able to breathe a sigh of relief because I know our music is in g..."
"What an incredible musician and singer!!! Marcello does not only do an amazing job, but he pours his entire self into every song. He is very professional, reliable, and also a true artist! One of the best singers I ev..."
"The track was a perfect fit for what I wanted Couldn’t have gone any better - Problem free - Many Thanks "
"Great communication and quick turnaround.. finished project sounds great! Thanks Mig!🔥 "
"flexible, skilled and lightning fast - can't recommend enough!"
"Giovanni composed the music for some lyrics I wrote. I listened to his previous works, so I had an idea of what to expect. But Giovanni exceeded my expactactions and brought the song to a completely new level. In addi..."
"Austin is the ultimate music aficionado!! He has the best ear and vision to help take your talent to the next level. After numerous projects together, he is truly the BEST in this business. I'm humbled each and eve..."
"Another amazing experience collaborating with Shelley. She continuously exceeds expectations and ALWAYS goes above and beyond with your creative works. A true musical master! Can't wait to work on another. Thank y..."