Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smosh
Soundwave makes original tailored music to your exact needs around a project while working with you through the process.
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I work to help carve your unique sound and provide you with a high quality product that competes with radio!
My name is Farit aka Airsoul. My tracks and remixes supported by: Above&Beyond, Paul Van Dyk, Gareth Emery, Andy Moor.
I am an award-winning producer, songwriter and engineer. My recording studio, designed by the best firm in studio design in the world, offer the sound qualities and capabilities to bring your song to its maximum expression. My credits include Universal Music, WGM and others.
Day By Day In Everyway I'm Getting Better & Better !
Producer, sound engineer and multi-instrumentalist with over 8 years of experience.
Driven and always learning. I couldn't imagine a life where I sacrifice doing what I love and live with what could have been. Let's Work.
Hi! I’m jacob or zeff, a passionate mixing engineer with experience in bringing tracks to life.
Recent Successes
"Brilliant Mastering engineer! and I really liked the fact that he didn't agree to work on the tracks I sent, until he was sure he can deliver the best results. I would work with him again for my future releases for sure."
"Once again I have had the pleasure of working with Benny Steele! As usual he deliver me another MONSTER MIX!!!!!! He is not only an awesome mix master engineer, he is a great person to work with! I look forward to th..."
"James was a dream to work with. He's a clear and effective communicator and was able to help us get exactly what we wanted. Where we needed help to articulate our wishes remotely for an engineer, he was able to easily..."
"Zach is super professional, responds right away, and his mixes/masters are awesome. Super easy to work with. Def the go to guy. thanks zach."
"Awesome engineer, one of the best I know of. Mosco has a great ear, and most importantly listens to the overall need of the client and the song and will not rest until that result is achieved! We are on our third mi..."
"One of the best singers I've ever worked with! She has an amazing voice, a very professional attitude and a talent for interpretation. I hope we make more songs together!"
"Yoad is the Goat of Soundbetter."