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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Smartsanti
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Joseph J Chudyk is a multi-platinum and mixer having worked with Elle King, Miranda Lambert, Kane Brown, Mitchell Tenpenny, Jason Aldean, Teddy Swims, Ghost, IDK, Crowder, MXPX, Nathaniel Rateliff, Joe Pug, The National Reserve with members from the likes of Gregory Alan Isakov, Jeff Beck, Polar Bear Club, Air Dubai, OneRepubli
Singer-Songwriter |Rapper |Music Producer| DJ with 11+ Yrs of Experience, Signed to Bentley Records (NYC) & Equinox Records (UK) I can produce a beat within 2-7 Days. I can mix your song within 2-3 Days. I can have your song mastered by my team of professionals and I in less than 24 Hours. All of these offers at a reasonable price
Thumbtack "Best of" Award 3 years running for Best Audio Producer and Editor. Award winning music producer and mix engineer.
Producer, make trap/hip-hop beats, new on sound better, looking for long term partnerships with talented emerging artists
I am an independent songwriter, producer, multi-instrumentalist from NY and I'm currently creating my own material in an effort to break into the industry and find work opportunities. I believe I can lend my skills to almost any role because of my versatility as a writer, performer, and producer that is well-versed in a multitude of genres.
Hit me up for highly competitive, yet creative and original sound. I am a Dallas based audio specialist who loves to create and collaborate with songwriters and artists. I can work in all genres, but am most comfortable in Indie Alternative, Hip-Hop/ R&B, Electronic, and Pop.
i can make your song better fr fr!
Recent Successes
"It was a pleasure working with MR. and a bonus to work with him in person. He's delivered a track that I'm extremely happy with and I highly recommend his services! Thanks J HO!"
"What can I say? Kristal is a total pro. Super-Talented, and delivered some knock-out performances. But more than her chops, she brought a great vibe to the project. Music is more than the technical, and Kristal br..."
"Another banger in the books! As always, Kyle put his heart into this project and the final version is perfect! "
"Brandon is a great vocalist and a really great person to work with. He's taken every song to the level that I've envisioned them to be!!! 5 stars!"
"I could not have imagined a better experience than working with Marcos! The colors and textures he orchestrates create such a deep emotional response. He delivered above and beyond my expectations with his artistry an..."
"Daryl always comes through with the best mixes and masters he is constantly evolving the effects and sounds always going to come back!"
"Very happy with Waltz's mastering. Extremely quick turnaround. Would use again and would recommend to others. "
"I gave David a single track of vocals to tune. The take was in some real need of tuning, and I found that David... communicated really well, was very patient, listened carefully to my detailed requests, had a quick t..."
"Josh has delivered a high quality mix of my new song. He was professional, easy to work with and really brought my ideas for adding an atmospheric intro to life. Will definitely use him again."