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Trap Singer - Female who worked with #trap
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Music production and Licensing company with 15 000 music track catalogue and top-class in-house music producers.
Will Dorey is a London based composer, multi-instrumentalist, producer and mixer who has written and recorded music that has received widespread critical acclaim and radio airplay. He currently plays in the band Palace, as well as his mixing and recording work.
Diploma In Audio Engineering Experience in - Recording - Editing - Mixing - Mastering Works in Logic Pro X & Pro Tools
I make instrumentals for people to sing on or use in something.
Sliptrick Records, Dead Love, Gigantic Hawk.
I have a degree in composition, play a variety of instruments, am proficient in music theory, sound design, music production and recording, mixing and mastering.
Classically trained music producer specialising in House & Commercial Music. Featured on labels such as Defected Records, Parlophone, FFRR records, Universal Music to name a few. 20+ years of piano playing (millions of streams through artists & producers using my piano sample packs) Extremely capable across all genres from Afrobeats to House.
Number of self released projects that have achieved global success with support from BBC and DJs worldwide. 10+ years experience in production and engineering holding a Master’s degree in Music Production.
Recent Successes
"Chris is super professional, wants to get it right, and easy to deal with. Would definitely work with again."
"Detailed and interested in what you are about, both project and person. A really nice guy and would def work with again."
"Very quick, and did a fantastic job!"
"I really enjoyed the proccess with Rob! I am very pleased with the result - world class!"
"Excellent singer! "
"My go-to mastering engineer. Always professional and thoughtful with my mixes. "
"Candela was incredible, she is an amazing singer and really made the track special. She has a lot of knowledge when it comes to producing and recording good quality vocals. I was also really impressed with the overall..."
"Ni'elle has amazing talent and she never never disappoints. We always find our way back to Ni'elle for noteworthy projects. Ni'elle's vocals are always on point and so creative. Highly recommended!"