Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sight Received
I will turn your bedroom recordings and demos into pro mixes that can stand toe to toe with your favorite artists.
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Experienced mixer, recording engineer, producer
Computer Geek & Music Lover
Multi Platinum Mix Engineer; Credits: Jay Wheeler, J Balvin, Ozuna, Lil TJay, Pusha T, ASAP Ferg, Dave East, Maverick City and more.
I feel into your music, and aim to convey the driving emotion behind the track in my voice. Your music is art, and should be treated with delicate intricacy and creative energy. If you're looking for a warm female vocal or trumpet addition to your track (Lead or BV), hit me up!
The music I compose allows me to create the escapism that attracted me to so many genre films, shows and games. My music not only sets a tone or mood, it becomes a character of its own, supporting and mimicking the characters it underscores.
The vision of the artist and the music with emotion-filled mixes is my first priority.
I specialize in all things slide - pedal steel, lap steel, weissenborn, dobro, acoustic and electric slide guitar. I’m also an experienced mix engineer and producer with 25 years experience and over 100 album production credits. I work out of my studio in East Nashville - The Henhouse. I'm available for remote and in-person sessions of all kinds.
Recent Successes
"Benny was a pleasure to work with. He was extremely responsive and made the mixing process a collaborative effort between him and I. He had a quick turnaround with all revisions and the end result sounds incredible. H..."
"Michael was super efficient and got the feeling I was going for directly. The track turned out beautiful, from a very simple draft demo. 10/10 would hire again."
"What a passionate all in performance. Ruth sounds amazing. "
"I worked with Aaron on a previous mastering project and had to work with him again! His detail is amazing, super professional and so patient to work with. Cheers! "
"Amazing producer! Excellent to work with as he puts you in the driver's seat and creates something amazing. I would definitely recommend. Definitely going to be working with Austin again!"
"This was a tough song with a weird syncopated groove and odd time signatures. Luke made it sound natural and easy with the right energy he just totally nailed it the only man for the job!"
"Truly, a symbol of the next generation of producers and music makers. Gera is a superstar just waiting to be discovered. OUTSTANDING in every way!"
"Shelley did an amazing job with a project that had a new style. She took my melodies and enhanced them. Now they sound much more natural and fitting. Very creative, amazing voice, very consistent. One of the best voca..."
"GREAT WORK AGAIN! My singer and I were so impressed working with Danny the 1st time, we hired him again. He was great in producing/mixing/mastering 2 unique and challenging songs. It's a joy recording in his home BK s..."