Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shreyansh Rawat
I am a singer/songwriter, music producer based out of india with over 100+million views and 20+million streams on various platforms. Have produced and mixed tracks of all sorts of genre.
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Wanting to create a new wave of sound so artists can exploit their feelings through modern music technology.
Be creative cause god always inspire and heal your soul
I'm the perfect artist to elevate the sound of your song with vocals or to capture your audience through lyricism. I am a true Gem!
Released original song on iTunes in 2020
I.T.B. tools on your Output Mix Bus opposed to a select hardware chain shows you the way. We revisit your mix, and replace your plugins with our chain. We will use the hardware to squeeze every bit of size out. Only then it goes to mastering. We will equip you with the pro knowledge as it was done to us. Plus you know like reviews n stuff...
Hi! I'm a skilled and versatile vocalist and songwriter, providing stand out pop vocals! I graduated from Catawba College with a Bachelor's Degree in Music Business and now with 10 years + performing experience, I work with producers specializing in lead vocals and harmony arrangements.
Producer/mixer/engineer/ based in Paris Fr. I was trained at Eastcote Studios London UK (www.eastcotestudios.co.uk) Credit include Tindersticks/ Brian Johnson/ Adele/ Duran Duran/ Cascadeur/ Puggy...
Siyam All Alva is a Bangladeshi Musician Singer, Blogger, Digital Marketer, Freelancer, Graphic Designer, Photographer and Content Creator. He is also a good writer. He was born in Lakshmipur ,Chittagong , Bangladesh. Siyam All Alva is a Bangladeshi Musician Singer, Blogger, Digital Marketer, Freelancer, Graphic Designer, Photographer an
Recent Successes
"First class voice, friendly and perfectly professional. Highly recommended!"
"Austin is an expert in what he does. He is patient with me and interacted on a consistent and timely manner. He works very hard to meet and even exceed the expectations of the clients. Excellent job on my project. Loo..."
"It is Wednesday and I needed a song mastered for a friend's funeral tomorrow. Adam turned around a quality master in a matter of hours. I will definitely be working with him again on my EP (and hopefully more)!"
"Andres is superb with his work! Got 2 versions whereby one is what he thinks is best for the song and another following what I thought was best. Turned out I used his version!! Really love his work, and his team is ve..."
"Joey Diggs Jr aka "JnR" is a superstar vocalist.. he's one of the best in the game! Check him out on our new track "Coast 2 Coast" on all music platforms worldwide! SoundBetter under-minds him and his talent and music..."
"I had the best time working with Michael, we had good communication and he got great music sense. The arrangement he did for me is exactly how I visioned it at the first place. Would love to work with him again in the..."