Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shizaru
I'm a music production mentor and mastering engineer with over a decade in the music industry, teaching artists how to produce, mix, and master their own music, create sustainable routines, and healthy mental habits, so they can consistently make their best music possible without burning out, and get signed to their favorite record labels!
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My goals is to bring out the best of each artist I work with. The master is not done until you're 100% satisfied.
If you choose to work with me, you will have somebody who takes your music and my role in it very serious. My strongest attribute is mixing vocals and beat instrumentation. I believe that it is important to note that obviously this is my career, but also this is my passion not something I do just to make an income.
The enthusiast for new sounds such as; HipHop, Chillhop, Anatolian Ethnic Lo-Fi genres.
The top session musicians in the UK. Providing strings, wind, brass and percussion of any combination/ensemble size. UNSO work for a range of global clients/producers providing sessions for audio tracks, video game scores. library music and film/TV soundtracks. UNSO have in-house arrangers and orchestrators that can provide original scores, score
Lyricist, Composer and Singer
Creative Engineering at affordable prices!
Hey! I'm Nathan Di Vito - Music Producer / Engineer from Australia. My main genres are R&B, Pop, Hip Hop and EDM. Firstly! IT'S ALL ABOUT U! My goal is to get your record aligned with your vision, your best interest and ensuring a high quality product is ready for you to release.
Songwriter / Female Recording Artist. 1 day turn around guaranteed.
Recent Successes
"Turned this around in mere minutes and it was fire! thanks Brandon!"
"It was a pleasure to work with Corey. He guided me through many things that I had no clue about as a beginner . His special touch really brought things together the way I hoped they would. I will definitely be using M..."
"Stevie did an amazing strings arrangement of my song and also played some beautiful and grand strings. The communication was great and Stevie picked up on all my cryptic ideas about how atmosphere the strings should b..."
"It was a pleasure to work with Fabian, he was very professional and knew how to answer my requests. I highly recommend working with this artist. "
"Bailey is an amazing talent, blessed to have her performing with us"
"Such a great mixing engineer really! 101!10 service, patients and awesome communication skills! you need a Mixing engineer? FILIP KA IS UR MAN !!!!!!! Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!! <3 "
"Dryden is great - super talented, super musical, and and a total pro. Really like working with him. "
"Another awesome experience with Amelia. He has such a unique voice and always delivers excellent tracks. "
"Made it happen! thanks!!"