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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sherlock Holmes and the Stolen Emerald
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Authentic bass part for your recording. Specialized to lock into the song. The sound, groove and feel must be right.
Katlego Ntlhane,known as McClarent born in 2000 October 26 at Makapanstad Region in North West.Multi-talented young nobble man who has extreme capabilities.He can speak more than 15 languages according to the research including Español,Igbo,Yuroba,Hausa and Traditional Chinese.Best in Animal sounds.He is an author,poet,rapper,musician
Yagiz Ince at Spotify yagizincemusic at instagram
15 years of experience playing bass and guitar. Top gear (instruments and amps). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdLORlOH9VY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzGPnR2xK_Y
Professional level Mixing and Mastering for Hip-Hop/Rap projects.
Mixing and Mastering Engineer, Producer
Make your song happen
Berklee Alumni, K-pop/ pop/ R&B / OST /Library music producer and composer, Featured on netflix and TV, Korean Lyric, with 10years experience
Recent Successes
"Maria is one of most consummate and talented vocalists I've worked with. Her attention to detail and dedication on delivering a stellar and accurate performance of a somewhat difficult record is truly remarkable. Extr..."
"Sarah provided exactly what my songs needed! She has a great ear for details, and works with the music to achieve what you want. Her communication was very fast and responsive, and made me feel prioritized. I am def..."
"Fifth or sixth time with Nate "
"Miranda is an amazing vocalist, and a magnificently professional singer to work with. She pays attention to detail, providing exactly what I asked for, through brilliantly sung lyrics, and excellently clear recordings..."
"Very happy with the work. It is dont perfectly good and quick. I will definitely recommend Timeverb studio"
"Giancarlos was very keen on understanding my vision for this EP. And delivered impressive results, as if he had read my mind. Everything sounds clear, present and sweet in my mixes and masters after being through Gian..."
"Sam did a great job on my master, per usual. I think Sam is a great choice of engineer for any project... I highly recommend his services. Thanks Sam for the amazing work you always do! "