Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Sheller
Hip-Hop / Techno music producer, DJ, Video producer and sound designer. I’ve made beats for Polish Artists like: Peja, ERO, PiH, Słoń, WSRH, Hemp Gru, Sheller and more.
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Competent in both Live / Studio Engineering and Music Production.
I am committed to going above and beyond to bring your song to life! I am a top level music industry composer and producer as well as a vocal production wizard so you're guaranteed to sound your best when working with me! I also include live musicians in my productions so feel free to ask about live drums, horns, strings, and more!
Female producer and multi-instrumentalist available to help make your tracks sound better. Specialized in composition, songwriting, hooks, lyrics, and session playing.
In need of a MALE SINGER with range to demo your song, or a BACKING VOCALIST to fill in that little something you feel is missing. Maybe you require a SONGWRITER. I can write full songs or fill in the gaps as necessary (see OTW365 Challenge on soundcloud). Let me know what you need and if it's within my skill set, I’ll make it happen.
Creative Sound with Passion
Making your song sounds great anywhere is my ultimate goal!
FRENCH AUTHOR (principally) and composer, looking for collaborations. Meanwhile, with the "10 d'Ulysse", I propose every 10th of the month :The "10 d'Ulysse"
Hip-Hop / Techno music producer, DJ, Video producer and sound designer. I’ve made beats for Polish Artists like: Peja, ERO, PiH, Słoń, WSRH, Hemp Gru, Sheller and more.
Recent Successes
"A great experience! Heather is a powerhouse! Nailed the track!!! would def wanna work with again! "
"Self did a great job on Bantunani's new single, he did understood exactly this very special groove and gave it warm and fresh feelings."
"Will always continue to use Mickey for songwriting, she is by the far the best I’ve ever seen. She continuously delivers not to mention I asked if she could write me something the same day and she had it back to me in..."
"Spin did a GREAT job with my MIDI files, which were unconventional. All along the way they were asking for feedback, updating me about the progress and modifying anything I asked for. The final result was absolutely w..."
"Hired Rob to master an album he mixed for me. Top quality, as expected with Rob. Great guy to work with, gives you clear timelines and communicates flawlessly."
"Scott brings energy and creativity to each and every song. I strongly recommend him - be it rock song or ballad. John"
"This is my second experience with Camilo. Once again, he exercised his top-tier mastering skills to take my mix to the next level. I will undoubtedly work with him again."
"Ant is now one of our "team members" - we have mixed and mastered several pieces together from two different musical acts. He is detailed but fast, and really listens. He teaches us how best to communicate our "task l..."
"Roy was a joy to work with! Super efficient, professional and polite, and extremely helpful! And his mix quality was superb! I will definitely have him mix another song soon! Thank you so much!"