Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shelby Lore
Experienced Mix Engineer and FOH Engineer. Lifelong musician. Servant of the songs, artists, and music. Mixing in Stereo and Dolby Atmos.
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Steve Wingfield is a producer, arranger, writer, musician and vocalist with a home base is at Phase One Studios in Toronto, Canada.
I will help you bring your song into the fullness of your vision for it.
High Quality Music Production & Mixing
Safe & Sound Studios is a creative oasis where heart meets hearth. Be embraced in the warmth of high-fidelity. Our team is comprised of creatives who specialize in all arenas of sound, from audio recording to post-production. While we focus on post production, sound design, and mix - our hearts are in music and have built the studio to make art!
I am a music producer, songwriter and audio engineer from Munich, Germany.
I'm an experienced Producer/Sound engineer from France. I've worked with a lot of independants artists in France such as Hooss, Lycan, Esken, Dellati, Oziris composing their music and helping them finding their sound. I'm used to work on differents styles of music shuch as Hip hop, Trap , Rnb , Pop
50,000,000+ Streams, Major Spotify Playlists, Mixing/Mastering Engineer & Producer.
The sound you need.
Recent Successes
" Lots of understanding, patience and detail. Cristian is engaged, worked with me every step of the way, listened, and followed through. Now one of my "go to" guys."
"Austin remixed a track of mine. One that I was already happy with. He added a new dimension and delivered a quality that far exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended. "
"Amazing vocals, very friendly and easy to work with. Having a good final result with the angel voice of this singer. Really satisfied."
"Brian is the greatest to work alongside. He's immensely creative, open-minded, always quick and responsive, has a really diverse taste in music genres, and is a brilliant producer. No matter how abstract a concept or ..."
"Second time working with Daryl, and I definitely recommend working with him if you need someone to mix and/or master your song! "
"Sean did the low-slung, expressive spoken vocals on my EDM track. I am really wowed by his voice - it is amazing; like dark, hot, delicious chocolate flooding your ears and brain. I've never heard anything like it. It..."
"The fact that we just completed our 17th project says it all. If not, Andrés is my FAVORITE woodwinds MASTER"