Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Shaybo
Zenith Mastering AKA A Sides - London based music producer with over 30 years experience specialising in mixing and mastering dance music using the finest hybrid analogue technology.
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I am a young audio engineer from Jax, FL. Motivated, dedicated, and ready to work. Serious injuries please email me directly at tjbinquires@gmail.com
Member of Sunstroke Project who's also the author of the successful Eurovision hits "Runaway" and "Hey Mamma" which contains the legendary "Epic Sax Guy" riffs. Member of the exclusive project called "Carnival Brain" and also Founder of Ragoza Music which has collaborated with famous artists artists around the world.
Musician, mixer, songwriter, producer, sound designer, composer, audio engineer, and media producer who prides themselves in working in a thoughtful and efficient manner.
Greetings, My name is Vincent Gajewski! In March of 2018, I graduated with an Associate's Degree in Music Production from the Los Angeles Film School, and am pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Entertainment Business. If you are dedicated to reach your projects full potential, then go through my portfolio and I will be speaking to you shortly.
Quality, speed, reliability and warranty.
Hi my name is Gaige and I am a classically trained Alto Sax player with 7 years experience. I also can sing, play snyth, and I am also do all my own audio engineering!
Aside from being part of the indie/alternative pop duo Nefeli On Clouds as a singer and songwriter, I also write songs and record vocals for other artists as well as for film scores such as the short film "The portrait" by film maker Carlotta Beck Peccoz. I study at the Cologne University of Music, where I specialized in pop and jazz vocals.
Premium quality Restoration Mastering, Remastering, and Remixing for 1980s / 1990s cassette, TASCAM, 4-track budget demo projects and live recordings.
Recent Successes
"Great singer, great top-line writer! It was uncomplicated, Marigold did a few reviews, totally met my expectations! Thanks for working with me! "
"Working with NaNa has been a great experience. One of the best I have worked with for sure. His unique interpretation and approach to songwriting mixed with his clever lyricism is top class for sure. The speed he is a..."
"Great communication and attention to detail. She knew exactly what I was looking for on this project and delivered!"
"Reviewing Ashley... Where do I start? I guess with the fact that SHE'S AMAZING! She is by far one of the BEST songwriters I have ever worked with! Her lyrics are perfect, her melodies are perfect and her songs are jus..."
"Thanks Sam. Great first mix of a new track that is a bit of a different style for me. :) Looking forward to talking with you re those additional production ideas. "
"Amazing singer and hard working artist! "
"He worked with me to get things correct!"
"Amazing work and bringing my song to life! I would definitely recommend working with him!"
"Another amazing vocal project done with Sara. If you are looking for a really talented singer then don't look further than Sara. She will be the right one to complete your track!!!"
"This is my first project working with DEXY. He is knowledge about the process and understands my concerns during the process. He is easy to get along with and I am pleased with the outcome of the final mastered tracks."