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Session DJ in italy who worked with Italy
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Music production tuition, mixing and mastering, Sound designer, composer.
We are an AWARD WINNING songwriting team who has worked with some of today’s biggest, up-and-coming stars. We can create an original song to showcase you as an artist, or a fully broadcast ready song to enhance your visual project.
My name is Christoph, DJ Producer , co owner Label music independant and totally geek with sound design , mix & Mastering. For Mastering : I specialized in Mastering Stems
I specialize in pop production. My primary goal with any production is to put the song first. Sometimes that means having a full track with a ton of things happening, but other times it means letting a piano and some vocal stacks fill up the bulk of the song. I'd love to talk with you about your song!!
Mixing and Mastering engineer based on Barcelona. I stay true to my clients concept/vision and my own rigorous standards while maintaining the fast-paced multifaceted workflow required in post media production.
Lippo is a pro level session and touring guitarist on "La Valenti", "FMK" and "Robleis" with the recording experience and technical knowledge to deliver commercial ready guitar tracks.
23 years of learning and professionalism are attributed to me in my career as a music producer, in addition to adjusting vocals for musical productions and sound engineering is a strong point when listening to my musical records. My musical productions have reached the top 100 of different download and streaming portals around the world.
Recent Successes
"Amazing, just absolutely amazing. It´s always a big pleasure for me to work with Kirsten together. It´s even not possible to find the right words to describe her unbelievable talent. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"the most skilled guitar player on soundbetter."
"Professional, quick, and iconic. Dxt3r plays no games when it comes to his work, and will most certainly make your music stand out. While providing industry quality music, D3xter takes his time to understand who he's ..."
"RR is a freakin' wizard behind the boards. Not only did he bring out the real emotion and character in my vocals, but he also totally understood my creative vision for the track. In terms of technical skills, RR is o..."
"I hired Daniela to provide feedback on my mix. The result of her excellent and professional comments was a much better mix and took me to the point of release of the song. Thanks Daniella, very appreciated:) /Magnus"
"I you listen to Gary's audio example (currently Nickel Creek's "The Lighthouse's Tale") you'll know that he has incredible chops! I'm pleased to say that he also has great taste. I recently had Gary do pedal steel..."