Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with scarfiremanagment
Americana,indie/singer songwriter and recording artist signed with Scarfire radio and booking management and record label owner of “ SilverCreek Record’s LLC “
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Hear music and get more info @ mollydurandmusic.com Hear Session Work under "SINGER" tab Relative Pitch, Reads Music, Harmony, Multiple Styles, Strong belt & runs/improvise fill, Operatic back-ground, 3-6 part harmonies, Can imitate artists if needed to sound like a particular singer. Text or call 323-337-4795
Composing audio for games, movies and tv, mixing and mastering bands or solo producers. We dont make generic music, we always strive for something special, sometimes it takes time but we always deliver :)
Freelance drummer and percussionist from London. My aim is to provide the perfect live drum track or programmed beat for your track. I'm a versatile drummer on London's West End shows and love crafting the perfect part to accompany a particular emotion or aesthetic. I've toured all over the world playing main stages at festivals like Glastonbury.
I've been producing, mixing and engineering records for over 20 years. Co-Produced and Engineered the Grammy winning album "Dystopia" by Megadeth, Engineered for Glenn Danzig for over 10 years, and now I'm looking for more projects to produce and mix.
Explore musical beat's and create unique beats.
I am a singer/songwriter mainly focused on Dance/Pop music. With over 10.000.000 global streams and collaborating with some of the biggest name in the industry like the Lithuanian hitmaker Gaullin, Don Diablo, G-Pol and many more.
Recent Successes
"Really great producer! Super helpful. Knows how to create any genre. "
"Super quick service! He captured the sound I was looking for and delivered a professionally produced instrumental that ticked off every criteria I asked for. Very kind, understanding and easy to work with. I will defi..."
"Awesome singer! Plus she has that extra you're looking for, a unique touch & character. Plus she's very musical and understands what she's doing. Also great in communication and delivering on time! A+!"
"I'll keep saying the same thing...this guy is terrific! Aaron has a great grasp of what is needed for your song behind the kit. He's brought my songs to life and will make my album really solid (on the percussion en..."
"May has been fantastic for my project, which is an emotional melodic house track. She provided lyrics, melody, and topline recording with a very quick turnaround, and made herself available for some future revisions s..."
"Provided Mick with a very, very rough scratch track which he interpreted and enhanced beautifully in a very short period of time. Talented, open, and attentive to what I said I wanted. Value added. Would recommend wit..."
"Thankyou!... So much Eddy!... The composition is so amazing. It was our second job. You delivered what I expected. Thankyou!... once again!... Regards, Lional. J."
"my experience with Elvinho has been great! really impressed by the quality and support. they have offered 24/7 support and even after you finalised the job. will be back again. "